My bliss…

“If you want to be happy, be.” – Leo Tolstoy

Who am I? What makes me happy? What brings joy to my days?

So let me take you today to have a look at what is occupying my time nowadays. It may not be perfect but I am following my bliss so it surely does makes me fulfilled. I have been doing urban sketching, which is sketching, meaning that it is not as detail focused and the style tends to be quicker and more casual.

I have started this course only in August and am trying to sketch as much as I can. These are just a few of my quick sketches. Hope you enjoy.

Sketches of flowers in my garden.

That was me at the botanical gardens while my husband was listening to music…quite relaxing!

At the cemetery to visit a friend during All Souls’ Day

In the local wetlands while sitting on the grass.

Lovely blooms in our backyard.

still another from the entrance of the Botanical Park.


  1. nesfelicio says:

    This is Talent, Teresa. I’m impressed, not a “beginner” at all.

    1. Teresa says:

      Glad you liked it. Practice makes perfect so maybe in a year or so…

  2. Lovely watercolor sketches!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Donna and glad you stopped by.

      1. So am I, Teresa. Hope the rain earlier didn’t cause too much havoc around you.

        1. Teresa says:

          We are ok here 👍🏼

  3. Lindy Le Coq says:

    Oh, I love creative outlets like this! Thank you for sharing your lovely renditions of the world around you. I especially like the wetlands sketch. Kudos to you!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot Lindy 🥰

  4. dorahak says:

    You are so creative, Teresa, in so many ways: your artwork is beautiful.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Dora. I didn’t think that I would love doing it again. It has been so long.

  5. SoyBend says:

    Very nice, Teresa! Love your flower paintings.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot ❤️

  6. Tina Schell says:

    These are really marvelous Teresa, I can see why it brings you joy! Hard to believe you’re new to this!!

    1. Teresa says:

      I used to be a graphic designer by profession some 40 years ago, but stopped doing it when I came here to Australia and didn’t hold a brush up till just recently. Then enrolled to this class a few months ago.

      1. Tina Schell says:

        Well your background and talent surely shows in this work Teresa. I’m insanely jealous!

        1. Teresa says:

          Thanks so much for these lovely words, Tina!

  7. lily says:

    Those are simply amazing sketches.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Lily!

  8. picpholio says:

    And you call yourself a beginner ??? My god, this is beautiful !

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot…much appreciate your comment ❤️

  9. Wow! The sketches are detailed and very well done!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks really much appreciated!

  10. lolaWi says:

    really love your drawings, T! thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure to share, Wi. So how are you and your hubby? Getting better slowly?

  11. maristravels says:

    From someone who has no eye at all for painting, sketching or drawing, these look like works of art to me! You are a very talented lady.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Maris. Beautiful words of encouragement! ❤️

  12. Leya says:

    Ah, love these, this bliss, Teresa! Now I see how long my journey to catch up is!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much A-C, you make me blush haha 😛

      1. Leya says:


  13. Ahhh, these are marvellous, Teresa!! You’re talented! I love this church, and seeing you sketch sitting on the floor, you look so relaxed and poised at the same time. 🙂 I also love the first tall tree with the fence, so majestic. Keep it up, clearly you’re doing the right thing!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Manja. I was also surprised that I am enjoying this as much as I do, especially now that we can do the sketching with a small circle of Urban sketching friends in different locations.

  14. Wonderful sketches, Teresa 👏 You have a great talent 😃

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Jez for looking back at my posts and commenting! Much appreciated!

      1. You’re very welcome 😊

  15. Amy says:

    I absolutely admire your talent! Incredible!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much, Amy! 🙏🏻

  16. JohnRH says:

    Wowwww. Very nice sketches. Talent alert!!!

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh John… you’re so kind!

  17. Mike Ross says:

    Great work Teresa! And now that its getting colder you don’t have to freeze your…lens off. 😁

  18. Bear says:

    Very nice work you have. I love the first flower sketches… look like classical botanical art prints. I like how you show the photo with the sketch, too. Both are awesome!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for stopping by and for liking. ❤️

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