Murals and Seats in the LX Factory

LX Factory is in Alcântara, a cool part of Lisbon. It’s got over 50 shops, cafes, and restaurants, both indoors and outdoors. You can spend a few hours or even a whole day there, checking out stuff to buy or just looking around.

It’s also fun to see all these Public Art.

Near the entrance is this “Bee” Installation by Bordalo II

Some of the murals in the eating area.

Seats and benches scattered all around the area.

Even the toilets had Murals and I wouldn’t be shy taking photos of them. 😂


  1. scooj says:

    Looks like my kind of place.

    1. Teresa says:

      I think we do like the same things, my friend 👍🏼

  2. Natalie says:

    Teresa, The Bee installation and all the murals are fantastic. What a fun place to explore. Thank you for your PPAC contribution.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed the murals as much as I did.

  3. Great coffee post. All the images are so fun to look at and study. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure to share. Hope I can catch up with you again on this site the next time. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. restlessjo says:

    A great place to pull up a seat, Teresa.

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh yes it was. I forgot, I should’ve posted my coffee and meal as well.

  5. those murals are gorgeous!!!!

  6. I love those murals. Wow!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Kirstin!

  7. XingfuMama says:

    It looks very inviting.

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes it is. Thanks Mama.

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