
Today’s Challenge from Cee is to post anything that is “Found in Nature”.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – CFFC

The next two photos were taken in the local wetlands…

These are herbs taken in the rooftop of my sister’s place where we stayed in the Philippines.

These are Jackfruits from my friend’s place also in the Philippines.

This is a Fiddlehead Fern in my garden.


  1. hardytardy says:

    Gorgeous, Teresa!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot!

  2. Athira says:

    Very beautiful.. really wonderful to see the greenary, gives a cool effect to our eyes and mind too.. Wonderful photos👍🏻

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Athira!

      1. Athira says:

        My pleasure Teresa. Are you using the jetpack version of wordpress?

        1. Teresa says:

          Yes I do. Are you having problems with it?

          1. Athira says:

            Yes Teresa, I’am not able to like fellow bloggers post but I can like comments, I’am able to leave comments.

          2. Teresa says:

            I wonder why?

          3. Athira says:

            Same here..

  3. nesfelicio says:

    Very lush and fresh!
    That jackfruit is quite early, the one in my backyard normally bears fruit later in the year.

    1. Teresa says:

      I really don’t know but it was already there in early March.

  4. Cee Neuner says:

    My favorite is your fern frond. These are so fresh and new. Beautiful post 😀

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes I always love taking photos of ferns. Thanks Cee!

  5. bushboy says:

    The grass seed head is wonderful Teresa 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Brian!

  6. Storyteller says:

    Some great photos. Love the den unfolding

    1. Teresa says:


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