Get On that Ferry…

“Age is no barrier when it comes to travel…”

Leaving London was a bit sad because there were still so many things that we missed on doing. But to continue on… we were so excited to hop on that ferry to go on our very first ever European tour.

Please click image to enlarge.

Little did we know that a few minutes after we landed on the port… an unfortunate thing was going to happened.

From the waiting room, all the members of the different tour groups were told to meet up with their respective Tour Director so we all had to leave the room. But knowing my husband…he had to go to the wash room when everybody was about to leave. So I waited for him then we went down to where the other coaches were. To our surprise, there were millions of coaches parked there. (Well not really millions haha) I saw someone that looked like one from our tour group so we went and followed her to the coach. Oh but that wasn’t the correct one. So we asked the driver which one was the bus for the Cosmos group. He said there was a lot. OH NOOOO So what do we do now?

We asked the person organising but we were not sure what tour number we were with. He asked whether we went up or down from the ferry …oh gosh… i said “UP but not 100% sure”. (We didn’t even take note cause we just followed the rest of the passengers.) They called the other ferry organisers using the walkie talkie. In my mind I was thinking… What if we were left behind… what if we couldn’t find them…. And later on the person escorted us to our coach which was on the other side of the building.

There they were … we saw the rest of our group, Hallelujah, and it was just in time as our names were being called during the roll call. OMG 😅 My stress level went up the roof! And to think it was just the first day among many days.

One lesson learned – be always mindfull of what’s happening around you. I thought that because we were with a tour group, we will just follow the rest,of the people and everything will be fine … sorry but it doesn’t go that way! But, now we know better.

This was our companion for the next 20 days or so….


These are extraordinary times. Some information may have changed due to Covid-19, always check for updates. Stay safe.



  1. Toonsarah says:

    We once did a day trip by coach and somehow misunderstood the meeting place to be picked up. The coach went without us but luckily they did a count and realised two people were missing and came back to look for us. So I understand how stressed you must have been feeling when you thought your coach might already have left!

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh wow… so I guess it’s just not us 😂😂😂 It was our first time so forgive us 😳

  2. lolaWi says:

    oh i know the feeling! i always fear missing our tour bus…. 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Haha after that first experience we were well aware already so it didn’t happen again.

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