Seven Scooters & Seven Helmets

Though they may appear bright and convenient, these electric scooters on Melbourne’s roads can be quite frustrating. Their presence leads to unpredictability, making navigation, commuting or even just plain walking more challenging. But the positive side of this is saving on petrol. So I guess we just have to bear with it for the greater…

Seven Cows in Barcelona, Lisbon, Porto

Ale-Hop is a Spanish retail chain offering a diverse range of quirky and creative gifts, gadgets, and home décor. It is owned by Vicente Grimalt and on one of his travels he saw a show featuring numerous animals but was particularly struck by a cow. Inspired, he bought a cow and placed it at the…

It’s been Seven Years

It’s hard to believe it’s been seven years since Tim left Melbourne for London. I cherish our video calls, but I still miss seeing him in person. Today is Tim’s 34th birthday, and I wanted to send him a special message here because I know he’ll see it eventually—after all, he’s the one managing my…

Seven Stools

“You have stools, because sometimes you need a seat that understands you’re just here for a quick break, not a full sit-down meeting.” I am linking this to Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge and for Becky’s Seven in September.

Seven birds 7th day 7th Month

Saw this in my “memory” in Facebook. I took a photo of a flock of birds. I’m pretty sure I counted seven of them on the fence. But who knows, they may not be exactly 7, but who cares right? It was just a neat moment in time that I was able to capture ….

Seven Chimneys

This is the Lion Gate Lodge in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney. And more importantly here are its 7 Chimneys for BeckyB’s Seven in September.

7 Yellow windows

Here are some yellow windows plus more little ones. I am linking this to Becky’s Seven in September and for Monday Window challenge.

7 in pink and green costumes

Here is my first entry to Becky B’s Squares – Seven in September. It is a mural of aliens in costumes coming down from a spaceship. There are 7 of them believe me…not counting the tiny baby ones.