“Carnivals bring out the child in everyone.” – unknown
My son, Tim, took a photo of this mural and sent me a link to it so that I will know where it is from.
This is the Hackney Peace Carnival Mural at Dalston Lane which was created by Ray Walker in 1985. There is a new train line opened just opposite, the East London line, so this mural is becoming familiar to people.
If you want to know more, here is the link to it.

This is beautiful, Teresa, and so much different from island and Brazil carnivals. I think the colorful mural is very unique.
Thanks. Glad that you liked it.
Wonderful.To celebrate life and the ones who lived like that – very well represented.
Happy when my son sent it to me.
Love it!
Thanks ❤️
Wonderful street art !
I think so too. thanks ❤️
Brilliant and colourful mural with so much to discover. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Teresa.
So much action in one wall. ❤️
Do you know when that picture was taken?
My son took that photo on the 3rd of August… just a few weeks ago.
It must have been restored because the google street view – dated April 2021 – shows it with graffiti across the bottom: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.546234,-0.0742528,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1su3Gs2EnR3e8tbBgiOwyg1w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
Oh yea. I guess they restored it. That’s good huh.
I’m going to London for 5 days at the end of next week. I’ll check it out while I’m there.
That is a mural and a half! Nice shot.
Yes, thanks to my son who is living there.!
This is magnificent. I wish to camp in front of it.