Camden Town


During the first leg of our holiday in Paris, Barcelona, and Portugal in October of 2023, we weren’t able to indulge in much shopping at the markets. Our luggage was already filled to the brim, leaving little room to bring back souvenirs or treasures from our travels.

So first thing we did when we got to London, where we were staying with my son, was walk around Camden Town.

Having visited previously with Jack in 2016, I was eager to see if there were any changes. Opting for a Thursday to avoid the weekend crowds, we found the place largely unchanged, though with a few fresh additions scattered about. Here is a fun walk around Camden.

Inverness Street Market is a bustling outdoor flea market located in Camden Town. The thing that attracted me most is its vibrant and eclectic storefront doors.

Shopping, or simply window shopping, was a delight amidst the lively atmosphere of the place.

Lost in our wanderings, we stumbled upon a canal adorned with colourful barges, bridges, and love locks, adding to the area’s picturesque charm.

The food scene is also an amazing adventure, with the aroma of various cuisines wafting through the air. We decided to get an Asian dish since we were both craving for a rice meal.

Rain started to pour, so I’m glad there were transparent Igloo Dining Domes everywhere to protect us from the rain and to have somewhere to sit.

After lunch, we proceeded to The Stables Market, which is the most historic and iconic part of Camden Market. As we wandered through its alleyways, we saw a kaleidoscope of colours and had an amazing chance to go shopping in the bustling market stalls.

Most of you may have probably seen the bronze Amy Winehouse statue in Camden Stables Market by Scott Eaton.

And her influence extends to the captivating murals adorning the back streets in Hawley Street and Hawley Mews, a testament to her enduring popularity.

Camden’s renowned for its vibrant street art scene, and of course, I wouldn’t pass up the chance to explore it.

28 Comments Add yours

  1. margaret21 says:

    What fun! As my son & family live in S London, I rarely get this far. Time for another visit, I think!

    1. Teresa says:

      Ah that’s what my son mentioned as a friend of his lives in S London. He says it is hard to go to from here and a bit farther away.

  2. restlessjo says:

    Love the place, Teresa! You can boat there from Regent’s Park and I used to love my London summers, long, long ago. That rainbow crossing seems very appropriate. I’m not a shopper but I do love the atmosphere. Did you buy much?

    1. Teresa says:

      Even window shopping was great. I just did some souvenir shopping to take back home in Aus.

  3. Wayne says:

    Fantastic artwork, even on a gray day, this place really shines. Love Camden Town.

    1. Teresa says:

      Love it too. Thanks Wayne.

  4. Dan Antion says:

    It looks like a wonderful place, Teresa. Even on a rainy day, it seems bright. I love that even Starbucks is dressed up a bit. I love the street art!

    1. Teresa says:

      It really is a great place to walk around. Yeah and that Starbucks shop looks different.

  5. Toonsarah says:

    Camden Town is always fun and you’ve captured its appeal really well here 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, always fun … raining or not!

  6. Mama Cormier says:

    We went back to Camden on our recent trip to London. It was my husband’s suggestion but as soon as we got there he was conflicted. You’re right the place hasn’t changed much since our last visit. My husband doesn’t like malls and to him this was just another mall in a historic setting. We did however find a nice indoor pub where we had a lovely lunch and were pretty much away from the crowds. I personally like to shop and explore shops that are unique and there are plenty of those in Camden.

    1. Teresa says:

      Aside from shopping, I love people watching too. So this was a great place to just sit, have something to munch on and just watch people walk by. Thanks for the comment Mama.

  7. scooj says:

    Camden is just so ‘Camden’ if you know what I mean. Define well known street art spot. Great post.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Scooj. I know, there is something unique about Camden.

  8. This post is so colourful; great photographs.

    1. Teresa says:

      Bright even on a rainy day. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. slfinnell says:

    What a haven for art! Absolutely enjoyable post!

    1. Teresa says:

      There is something everywhere I looked. Thank you ❤️

  10. Maureen O'Hern says:

    I think I would need a full day of staring into space after visiting a place like this. It would wear out my eyes. Those plastic igloos testify to what’s expected with the weather, don’t they? You really gave us personality of place!

    1. Teresa says:

      Too much colour for you? Maybe it’s just me… I definitely love colourful places so naturally that’s what I am inclined to look at. But for other people, Camden may look different. Thanks for your comment.

  11. Brenda says:

    Thank you for the tour around Camden Town. It looks like a vibrant and colorful place even with the rain. I’ve never seen dining plastic bubbles. Very cool! Love your post!

    1. Teresa says:

      We have Dining bubbles here in Melbourne but it is to be booked and it is put out for special events. But this one in Camden can be used by anyone.

  12. WOW. What an amazing place

    1. Teresa says:

      It is definitely! 👍 Thanks Kirstin.

  13. XingfuMama says:

    Those dining domes look really cool!

    1. Teresa says:

      And really warm on cold weather.

  14. Natalie says:

    Camden looks like a colourful and fun place to explore. The storefront displays do a great job to attract customers. Thank you for your PPAC contribution.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Natalie. The storefronts are also a fave of mine.

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