1. scooj says:

    A lovely selection, the colour of that last door is really striking with the black surround. Everything in my head tells me those colours shouldn’t work, but they do.

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, I get what you’re saying. But in reality sometimes the colours work out!

  2. Dan Antion says:

    These are the perfect doors to share as spring is busting out all around us. I like the blue one and the last one (I don’t really know what color the last one is).

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Dan, and funny you mentioned that last door. It is a shade of green or blue or both isn’t it?

      1. Dan Antion says:

        I don’t see the colors in that range very well. I like the door, but I rarely comment on colors, unless they are found in the Crayola box of eight.

        1. Teresa says:

          Haha that is a funny way of saying it, Dan.

  3. Love the ironwork in front of the green door.

    1. Teresa says:

      That’s my favourite one.

  4. My door is a boring black, these are very nice

    1. Teresa says:

      Black doesn’t necessarily mean boring!I love black…especially in clothes.

  5. lolaWi says:

    definitely bright! gorgeous selections 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      I am slowly running out of doors. We will be going out this weekend, so hopefully I can find some interesting ones. Thanks for stopping by Wi!

  6. Ooo, I like them all but my favorite is the green door with the great ironwork and the artwork to the side. I liked that yellow one a lot but it needs to be cleaned up a/o repainted!!


    1. Teresa says:

      Oh yes it does need a repaint I guess. Thanks for the visit, Janet.

  7. Sofia Alves says:

    Gorgeous doors, all of them!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Sofia!

  8. BeckyB says:

    what fabulous doors, must brighten everyone’s day going in and out of these

    1. Teresa says:

      I guess so, Becky. I think brightness makes one happy.

  9. chava61 says:

    Definitely bright & eye catching colors!

    1. Teresa says:

      It’s good you liked them.

  10. Elizabeth says:

    Great doors!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Elizabeth.

  11. Ahh, these are wonderful and happy-making. Thank you, Teresa!

    1. Teresa says:

      Happy Happy Joy Joy…isn’t that what they say!

  12. Amy says:

    They are bright and unique. The blue door is fabulous. 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Amy… lovely bright ones to my liking!

  13. jazzytower says:

    Nice colors, feels like spring!


    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for liking it!

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