It is unsure where the term Partner in Crime came from. Some say that it may may have originated with an Agatha Christie story, and others say it is believed to have originated in the early 20th century. Well it is such a generic term that it may have originated from anywhere. But for me it is someone close to you, who you trust completely and spend most of your time with.
So here’s a Rose for my partner in crime’s 65th Birthday. May we celebrate more years of growing old together… travelling together… having more movie nights together… and even just doing nothing together. ❤️

Also for Cee’s FOTD
Ah, how lovely! Birthday greetings to your Partner in Crime.
Will tell him. Thanks Margaret ❤️
What a beautiful birthday gift; happy birthday to your partner in crime & many more to come 🎉
Thanks a lot Jez!
Happy birthday to your partner in crime!
Thanks Nes ❤️