At Cloudehill


Every Autumn, my husband and I find ourselves drawn back to this place, and this year is no exception. This time, we arrived a bit earlier than usual, to accompany my sister and niece visiting from the Philippines. Although the autumn colours hadn’t fully emerged yet, I’m hopeful that they still found joy in their visit.

Amidst the plants are these public art which I am linking to Natalie’s PPAC

By artist Graeme Foote, there are several magnificent examples of ceramic sculpture of famous Australian Women.

Some more public art.

There are benches that are so pretty it can be considered as art which I am linking to Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge

There are also a few ornate metal doors.

23 Comments Add yours

  1. XingfuMama says:

    Wonderful location! I could spend hours exploring it.

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh definitely worth a visit!

  2. restlessjo says:

    Looks a beautiful place.

    1. Teresa says:

      It is just a small garden but so peaceful.

  3. Hammad Rais says:

    Quite an interesting place

    1. Teresa says:

      It is, thanks Hammad.

  4. Coral Waight says:

    Thanks, Teresa. I’ll head up there.

    1. Teresa says:

      That would be nice.

  5. Natalie says:

    What a beautiful and fun place to explore, Teresa. I could see why you are drawn back to Cloudehill. I love your choice for the header photo. Thank you for your PPAC contribution.

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure to share a fave of mine. Have a great break Natalie.

  6. Teresa you saw these amazing images in Melbourne. Anita

    1. Teresa says:


  7. bushboy says:

    There was two works or art that kept moving and appearing in different places 🤔

    1. Teresa says:

      I noticed that too!

  8. Karen says:

    Looks like a fun walk in the gardens. looking to see what’s hidden around the next corner & taking pictures.

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, exactly what we did! Thanks for commenting Karen.

  9. Anne Fraser says:

    I love the iron lace. I can see why you like the garden

    1. Teresa says:

      Glad you liked it and thanks for the visit!

    2. Teresa says:

      Glad you liked it. Thanks Anne.

  10. Alison says:

    Lovely, I think I’ll have to add this to my places to visit in Melbourne

    1. Teresa says:

      Haha maybe add Sassafras and Dandenong Ranges Botanic.

      1. Alison says:

        Sassafras rings a bell!

        1. Teresa says:

          My go to place on a lazy Sunday walk and brunch! 👍

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