As the sun rises… beneath trees!

“Just as the sun rises, a fresh start begins. We all have a choice. Will you make the most of it?” – Jacqueline Cooper

It is the last day of BeckyB’s #TreeSquare challenge so I decided to put this as my farewell post. Plus a quote to think about. Thanks Becky for a wonderful month of trees.

And for Debbie’s Six Word Saturday


  1. BeckyB says:

    beautiful squares, and a perfect quote – what a way to finish. I could stay here quite a while 🙂

    Thank you so much for being part oft he squares family again

    1. Teresa says:

      It was fun to join. See you back in October…my birthday month! Have a good break, Becky!

      1. BeckyB says:

        Yay for Birthday months, hope you celebrate for the whole month! I’ll be joining in with the odd square or two 😉

  2. Debbie Smyth says:

    And what great words – I’m off to make the most of my Saturday 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Debbie and enjoy your Saturday. I am already in the night portion of my Saturday!

  3. klara says:

    sigh, sigh, what a beautiful seascape. wish I could be there.

    1. Teresa says:

      Me too… a beautiful tropical country.

  4. ladysighs says:


    1. Teresa says:

      Thank you my dear 👍🏼

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