As Soft as…

“Be soft, do not make the world make you hard.” – unknown

My different interpretation of the word SOFT. Lens Artist Photo Challenge

As soft as…

a pillow after a busy day

As soft as…

the dandelion’s white puff ball head

As soft as…

the morning mist

As soft as…

homemade pasta

As soft as…

the pastel shade of flower’s petals

As soft as…

ice cream rolls on a warm sunny day

As soft as…

the clouds in the sky that looks like cotton balls

As soft as…

the dough that I use to make bread

And lastly…

What can be softer than baby Lucy’s chubby cheeks when she was only a few months old! (My grandchild from my niece Ella and husband Mike)


  1. Lovely photos of “soft” Teresa! ❤

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Lisa…good you liked them!

  2. Toonsarah says:

    Great selection of ‘soft’ photos 🙂

  3. Tina Schell says:

    Lovely choices Teresa – of course the baby is a heart-stealer! Your bread making is enough to make me yearn for a taste of the results!

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh yes, she is a cutie…she’s a few months bigger now though! and that bread is a Filipino bread that I put butter, sugar and cheese on top. Yum but unhealthy. haha

  4. Leya says:

    Wonderful choices – they all more than fit the bill! You are the first one with a baby – and that…is softer than soft!

  5. Amy says:

    Wonderful choices, Teresa! I so enjoy your foodie images, soft and delicious.
    Lucy’s chubby cheeks, my favorite!

    1. Teresa says:

      Cheeks always a fave when they are babies! Thanks for liking my “enaymada” …that is a Filipino dessert

  6. restlessjo says:

    It’s the time of day for those pillows 🙂 🙂 Sweet dreams, Teresa!

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh is it? Time to wake up for me haha Have a good day Jo!

      1. restlessjo says:

        🙂 🙂

  7. For me, these are fabulous choices because your variety has a touch of outside-the-box thinking – which I like! 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Happy that you liked my collection!

  8. smkelly8 says:

    All of these are wonderful. Such variety.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much for liking it!

  9. JohnRH says:

    Beautiful interpretations!

    1. Teresa says:

      I tried, John!

  10. I like those pillows a lot and of course the baby is super cute.


    1. Teresa says:

      The pillows look soft as, don’t they?

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