A rainy day in Budapest

“I told them they’d see me walking in the rain in Budapest.” – Mary Chapin Carpenter’


Our fifth and last day in Budapest was very cold and wet but that didn’t stop hubby and I to make the most of our day.

We decided to go back to those places that we visited previously but didn’t get enough time savour the scenery. Just near our hotel to make it easier for us.

Plan was to take the funicular to the castle area but to our frustration, it wasn’t running that day.

So walk we did. This is the Coat of arms that was on the wall at the foot of Castle Hill.

Then we saw that there were official shuttle buses parked at the bottom to take us up to Castle Hill. This definitely saved us some walking and from getting wet.

Although we had been to the Fisherman’s Bastion just a few days ago, it was for sure a different kind of feeling seeing it on a rainy day.

We had our snow boots on, beanies, gloves and warm jackets but those were not enough for this 3 deg ❄️ day.

Having a break from the cold outside, we had hot mocha and Pumpkin scone at the Korona Kavehaz in the Castle district of Budapest.

After having warmed up slightly, we proceeded to Matthias Church which was I have mentioned right beside the Bastion.

Another arched photography!

Good idea was to go in the church for two reasons… to beat the cold of course and to see the interior of this most visited church in Budapest.

And the interior was very impressive if I should say so myself.

There were countless of benches and chairs which was a pleasant surprise.

Then we had a bit of a walk about before returning to our hotel room to get ready for our next day’s departure.


  1. A beautiful city, even in the rain 😃

    1. Teresa says:

      Honestly, yes it was! Thanks Jez!

  2. Toonsarah says:

    It’s always good to go back to places for a second look. A shame about the rain but you seem to have made the best of it!

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, the rain wasn’t that bad but it was the freezing weather. My feet felt like a block of ice haha Anyway, glad I was able to capture decent rainy photos. Thanks Sarah for liking it.

  3. XingfuMama says:

    What a charming city, I’d love to see it someday.

    1. Teresa says:

      It is really a wonderful place 👍 Thanks for the comment Mama!

  4. I especially love the golden church! Im glad you had a good day in a very rainy Budapest!

    1. Teresa says:

      The rain didn’t stop us. And Budapest is still lovely with the rain… puddles and all! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Yeah I agree, Budapest is amazing!!!

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