Season Downunder

“Embrace the seasons and cycles of your life. There is magic in CHANGE.” – Bronnie Ware

This week for Sunday Stills with the topic of Trees and Leaves, it is my first time joining Terrie’s challenge. Let me introduce myself by showing where I live. This was Melbourne more or less 6 months ago. Taken from my Instagram photos and you can visit me there if you like.

So…. now you know that I come from that part of the world where seasons and weathers are entirely opposite from most of you.

And this is what we are supposed to be having right now. But we can’t really enjoy it because it has been rain for a couple of days now and forecast of more rainy days to come.


  1. Cath Moore says:

    The weather is mad atm. I had my breakfast here in Tassie this morning watching flurries of snow coming through. It didn’t settle where we are…too low….but it felt crazy since it’s only a couple of weeks till summer

    1. Teresa says:

      It is rain for a few weeks straight already here in Melbourne…so we are both feeling it. 🌧 🌧 🌧

      1. Cath Moore says:

        Hopefully summer is not too far away

        1. Teresa says:

          If it is…I have never felt it yet. We are still in coats and jumpers!

          1. Cath Moore says:

            Us too 🥶

  2. Great to see your post, Teresa (I see you go by Techie), and welcome to Sunday Stills. We have quite a few down under folks each week and I stay mindful of the global reach of WordPress with my themes! Your images are crisp, beautiful and I’m dying to know how you got your Instagram images to post in that configuration. Hope the rain dries up soon and you can get on with your spring!

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure…Techie is my nickname to Filipino friends but people from other countries might be confused with the pronunciation. So it is better to put it as Teresa.
      And the Instagram images, I edited and used the PicCollage App.
      Thanks Terri.

  3. Blustery and windy here.

    1. Teresa says:

      Here it is just ongoing rain at the moment.

  4. Işıl says:

    Great photos. Thank you for sharing. I would like to visit Australia one day.

    1. Teresa says:

      Maybe you should one day!

  5. Prior... says:

    That pic collage was cool and sending virtual sunshine your way!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much for the virtual sunshine. It came today but I think it will be gone again tomorrow!

      1. Prior... says:

        more sunshine in this reply 🙂

        1. Teresa says:

          Thanks ☀️

  6. picpholio says:

    I really like the tree ferns.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot!

  7. Toonsarah says:

    It’s nice to see the contrast between six months ago and now, and to see how ‘opposite’ you are to us!

    1. Teresa says:

      I know… it is amazing to think about it!

  8. Amy says:

    Love this beautiful tree series, Teresa!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot Amy!

  9. lolaWi says:

    beautiful gallery, T!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Wi!

  10. Dan Antion says:

    Meanwhile, I’m putting snow stakes in the ground so I know where to lead the snow blower. Enjoy your season.

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, now we have hay fever and rain…but on the good side are the lovely spring flowers. Good luck in putting the snow stakes!

      1. Dan Antion says:

        At least we don’t have hay fever 😏

        1. Teresa says:

          Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️

  11. Kirstin says:

    Beautiful choices and photos!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Kirstin ❤️

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