A Glimpse into MY World

“We live in a world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventure we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Neru

Before 2020: For as long as I can remember, travelling was my world, it has always been on the top of my mind and heart. It brought me so much excitement just planning a trip and thinking of getting on that plane. So many countries are still to be ticked on my bucket list, so although it is still a long way off for any travel plans, I have been writing down places to visit for the next time that the borders are to be opened. The countries on the top of my list are Portugal, Morocco and Barcelona to see the Sagrada Familia at its finishing stage.

But… in as much as that won’t happen in the near future, here is a glimpse of what I love doing during this time of pandemic. A Glimpse into your World is the topic for Lens Artist Photo Chalenge hosted by Sheetal  And this is also my invitation to you to know more about me.

I don’t know if many people still do this, but I have an actual photo album of my travels with some memorabilia attached to it. Sometimes I have it printed as well. Am I crazy or “old school”?

Some of you may already know this about me, but these are some of the things that mean the world to me and would makes me smile.

I always have my camera handy because I love searching for Street art wherever I go.  (bollards in Geelong, Victoria and street art in Frankston, Victoria). At times I even take public transportation by myself to go to certain locations (since I hate driving).

I enjoy taking photos of flowers, usually macro and close up shots.

I am fascinated by the beautiful texture of the ducks and birds that I see. It gives me pleasure to hear their quacks and their tweets. I would sometimes sit for hours on the wetlands or lakes watching these feathered friends that they sometimes know me already as they are not afraid to come near me anymore.

And now that the International borders are closed… who knows up to when, I am excited to go to any place in Victoria that lets me explore something new. Maybe even  somewhere that I have been but seeing it from a different perspective. (Great Ocean Road and Daylesford)

I have stopped working since my stroke three years ago. I now immerse myself with some creative stuff … whether it be doing this blog, baking, doing pen and ink drawings, tapestry making (yes it is still not finished), gardening… and my family inspires me to do more with my life. I get excited every time we have a fam catch up.

And that is just a teeny weeny Glimpse of my World.


  1. V.J. Knutson says:

    Your photographs are always so inviting.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much for your encouraging words V.J. I am gonna sleep now…will comment tomorrow. 😍

  2. Lookoom says:

    You are so dedicated to your work, your blog or your photo album, I suppose many would like to do the same but can’t find the resources to do so.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks. I love doing it…especially the album. 😍 A lot of my friends would also love to do it, but don’t have the time.

  3. chava61 says:

    All your photos are lovely. I particularly like the bollards in Geelong which I remember seeing during one of my Melbourne based visits.

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, the bollards are so gorgeous. ❤️

  4. What a beautiful post ! I loved this tiny peek you offered into your world and printing photos is a brilliant idea. Nothing like flipping actual pages to go down memory lane . Also your photos are to die for . They are exquisite, be it birds, landscapes, flowers or street art! Well done.

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh yes, nothing beats the actual flipping of the pages and not having to turn on a gadget to do that. And thanks for liking the images!

  5. Dora says:

    Your photos are a treat to a non-traveler like me. Delightful pic of your family 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Dora! Happy you enjoyed the photos!

  6. Amy says:

    Love your glimpse into your world, Teresa! These beautiful images of birds and flowers cheer me up. It’s encouraging to hear that you immerse with some creative work. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure to share. I try to do creative stuff but sometimes fail because I get lazy! Haha Thanks for your nice comment, Amy!

  7. pattimoed says:

    You live in a wonderful part of the world, Teresa! We absolutely loved our trip there in 2019. Like you, I hope we can get back to traveling down the road…. I’m sorry to hear about your stroke. You’re so right to get involved with activities that give you joy and meaning and sustaining relationships with people that you love. Take care! Hopefully, the world will be opening up later this year.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much, greatly appreciate your comment. With everything that is happening, I really have to take things one day at a time…as you really can’t predict what will happen to you the next day. Have a good day Patti.

  8. Alison says:

    That’s a beautiful post Teresa
    Thanks for sharing parts of your life ..
    I hope we get to meet sometime soon

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Ali…hope so too.

  9. maristravels says:

    You live in a lovely world, Teresa, and thanks for sharing some of it with us.

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure Maris!

  10. ghostmmnc says:

    I always like seeing your travel photos. Hopefully you’ll be able to go to far away places again soon. 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment! Hopefully soon.

  11. Leya says:

    Well, you live in a beautiful part of the world, and I loved your sharing photos and dreams! We have at least one thing in common – the want to see Barcelona again, and the Sagrada Familia at its finishing stage. Maybe we will meet there some day!

    1. Teresa says:

      That would be lovely if we can do that! Well, dreaming is free and that is what we can do right now! Have a great week ahead Ann-Christine!

      1. Leya says:

        Dream on, Teresa!

  12. Tina Schell says:

    And a beautiful world it is Teresa! I was a scrapbooker for 20+ years until I discovered making photo books. They take SO much less room and I love revisiting the places we’ve been through them. I also love making them. Still have my shelves full of scrapbooks though 😊. Especially loved your wooden swimmers and the fuzzy grey bird – beautiful! And I think the Great Ocean Road has some of the most gorgeous vistas anywhere in the world. Loved the look into your world.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Tina! It’s so good to look back at these photos, scrapbook or not especially during this time when we can’t. That is why I love looking at blog posts so I can glimpse into other people’s world as well.

  13. JohnRH says:

    Good photos. Love the painted posts and the rocky coastline.

  14. Teresa says:

    Thanks for liking it, John.

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