1. Nice pop ups!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Rita!

  2. restlessjo says:

    Ooh, a pop up wine shop! Don’t tempt me, Teresa 🙂 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Haha the best isn’t it?

  3. BeckyB says:

    Great signs, our council has banned many of these because of the problems they create on narrow pavements

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh I guess I could understand how they can cause problems. But it is ok here for the moment.

      1. BeckyB says:

        Glad it’s fine where you are, they’re such fun to see 🙂

  4. lolaWi says:

    great finds! 🙂 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, I love seeing them everywhere.

  5. XingfuMama says:

    Super fun ones this week!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Mama! I just saw all of those in one go…they were actually right beside each other.

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