“Life is short and the older you get, the more you feel it. Indeed, the shorter it is, people lose their capacity to walk, run, travel, think and experience life. I realise how important it is to use the time I have.” – Viggo Mortensen
So grateful…

I am linking this to Cee’s weekend FOTD and for Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday.
Happy Birthday, Mum!
Thanks so much Tim. Happy to see you here in my happy place. ❤️❤️❤️
A true sentiment for many and a very pretty flower.
Thanks, happy to see the orchids!
Happy cake day.
Yesssss any excuse for having a cake day 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thanks Marie.
Happy, happy birthday Techie. I am older by two years. Next Sunday naman ako.🥰
Oh wow, magka lapit lang talaga tayo! Yay to us. Thanks for the greeting, Arlene!
A lovely orchid to share for your birthday. I hope it has been ever so good Teresa
It has its ups and downs buy generally perfect. Thank you Brian! ❤️
Happy birthday, Teresa! Have a day as beautiful as the orchids,
Thanks so much Nes. The sun is shining brightly today for me.
Hope you had a fabulous birthday xx
Yes I did… and it is still going on til next weekend! Yay for me 👍 Thanks Jo ❤️
Happy birthday, Teresa!
Thanks a lot ❤️
Happy birthday Teresa 💐🎂
Thanks Sarah ❤️
Happy birthday Teresa, you young thing, you!
Thanks Jo haha too young ❤️
Happy birthday!!!
Thanks Tiffany.
Have a wonderful birthday
Thank you Marie❤️
Have a wonderful birthday, Teresa, and many happy returns! 🔆🎈🎂
Thanks so much 👍