3 Doors and a Bird

“I saw a birdhouse on a tree. Watched a little bird trying to flee. That’s what I call nature’s beauty.” – Vikram Varma

Thought I might have some fun with my post today. I just noticed this birdhouse…as tiny as it is, has three doors.

Thursday Doors


  1. lily says:

    Aw so cute! Love that

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks my dear. It caught my eye!

  2. Dan Antion says:

    I love birdhouse doors. They are so cute.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Dan … birdhouses are great especially if it has doors. *wink wink Have a great day!

  3. Goodness, Teresa, this is too sweet for words 🙂

    A definitive awwwwwww moment!! Thank you!!

    1. Teresa says:

      Happy that you liked it Patricia.

  4. Natalie says:

    Very cute birdhouse with 3 door, and windows! Thank you, Teresa, for sharing this. #ThursdayDoors

    1. Teresa says:

      Happy that you liked it Natalie ❤️

  5. Amy says:

    What a beautiful capture of this lovely bird and special birdhouse!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks my dear. You can never know what interesting things you can find in your walks.

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