A green front door reflects wealth, health, and safety, and not surprisingly, a green door works well on the tiled traditional-style homes in Portugal.

Pictured here are some of the many facades with green doors that caught my eye in Lisbon.

The best part about looking for green Portuguese doors is that you won’t have to look far because you will stumble upon them almost everywhere.

Another one with a green door is where I had my birthday celebration while we were in Lisbon.

What a great tasting meal of seafood at Seame Peixaria Moderna. Thanks to Tim and Leigh for a memorable day last 20th of October 2023.

Linked to Dan’s Thursday Doors Challenge

I knew you couldn’t go long without posting food photos, Teresa! I’m singing that Green Door song now but I can’t remember who sang it.
I don’t even know a Green Door song. Well anyway, I had fantastic food for my birthday! Thanks for commenting, Jo.
There’s an old piano and they play it hot behind the green door… Google Shakin Stevens Green Door.
Thanks I listened to it.. now you got me bangin my head to the tune. 😂😂😂 But I haven’t heard of that song before.
Shakin Stevens sang Green Door! (If we’re both thinking about the same song)
Haha you also know that song? How come I haven’t heard of it? Thanks for stopping by Gloria.
Maybe you’re too young? Shakin Stevens was at his best in the 80s and Green Door was one his biggest hits. He had quite a few big hits. He’s Welsh.
No, definitely not too young. Maybe just not popular in the Philippines.
Oh my goodness, these ARE stylish doors.
They are all amazing, can’t stop myself. Thanks, Margaret, hlad you liked my choices.
These are wonderful doors, Teresa. I love the texture of the details. That seafood looks delicious.
Thanks Dan. So many doors to see with great details. And food was yum.
Great green doors. Love the Sea Me!
Thanks Rebecca. Great food too! 👍
They’re fabulous. Green doors are my favourite! I’d be well happy strolling around there with my camera.
I love seafood too, especially when I’m on holiday. I don’t cook too much of it here at home.
Thanks Gloria, glad you liked my doors and the food….all were amazing. Lisbon was amazing. Thanks for visiting.
A lovely collection of green doors, Teresa. There are certainly a lot of green doors in Portugal. I hadn’t thought about it until now. 🙂
I also didn’t notice it until I was posting this.Thanks for the comment, Brenda.
I love the green doors set among the tiles.
Looks great doesn’t it!
Some stunning doors, and such a good idea to theme them by colour.
Thanks for commenting Stephen.