Lichens on Tree Barks

“Alone with myself the trees bend to caress me the shade hugs my heart” – Candy Polgar Had my daily walk this morning and I saw this beautiful tree that sits just on the bank of the lake. It is beautiful, mainly because of the bright yellow lichens on its trunk and branches. This is for…

Yellow Flower

“Today is going to be a great day.” The sky may be grey today where I am, but that is not a reason not to be happy. Happy Monday everyone. This is for Cee’s FOTD challenge #macroMonday

Rain kissed the flower

“Rain kissed the flower, And the petals embraced the rain drops.” – Arvinth Manoharan For Cee’s FOTD Challenge

Green Foliage

“In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that’s the way new leaves grow.” – Amit Ray I had just finished watching a travel show and it made me think. After more than a year of the pandemic there’s this question running through my mind. Would travel ever be…

Blue Petals on a Windy Day!

“Don’t you think Daisies are the friendliest flower?” – Meg Ryan, You’ve Got Mail The forecast was rain tomorrow so I rushed to the Wilson’s Botanical Park to enjoy the sun and some needed exercise before the miserable weather in the next few days. I saw this pretty bluish bloom and tried to take a…