White has it all…

“White has it all. It’s beauty is absolute. It’s the perfect harmony” – Coco Chanel Some white trees in the Dandenong Ranges, Southeast of Melbourne. For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare Renoir said once that nothing was so difficult, and at the same time so exciting, to paint, as white on white. Ambroise Vollard, French Contemporary artist, 1866-1939…

When I See Whites and Silvers

“Nothing can dim the light the shines from within.” – Maya Angelou Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge Jude’s Life in Colour Debbie’s Six Word Saturday Sculpture Saturday A few white chairs that were so comfortable to sit on… at the Wilson’s Botanical Gardens. Here are some silver sculptures by the lake.

My World in White

“I call white the most powerful non-color; it’s clean, optimistic, powerful.” – Jason Wu The world is expected to be wonderful in vivid colour…but when you discover so much beauty in white… that’s what makes life more special! for Jude’s Life in Colour Got surprised when a white Alpaca came running and charging towards me…

Japanese Anemone

“A white flower grows in quietness. Let your tongue become that flower.” – Rumi for Cee’s FOTD – Japanese Anemone