
“Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” – Matthew Jacobson In my July 2021 blog post, I spotlight my daughter Pat’s interview with Notion Magazine. Conducted by James Robinson, the interview delves into what it means to be a “creative” in today’s world. If you’re curious, you can…

Murals from Tim’s Lens

Not sure if this is from Brick Lane or Shoreditch but is definitely in one of those places in London. Photos taken by my son Tim. This is for Sami’s Monday Murals. Please click image to enlarge.

London through the Lens of Tim

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” — Unknown When I think of London, I think of cold, wet and dreary weather. Sometimes my son would ask me if I would like to live there and my quick response is no. I already don’t like Melbourne…

Take Me There…Tomorrow

This is the 27th consecutive day where Victoria has recorded no new locally acquired cases of coronavirus. That is good news but we can never tell with this virus what tomorrow will bring. I and my co blogger Alison of Travels with Ali were planning to meet up in Melbourne when she comes over supposedly…