Why walk when you can Dance

“Why walk when you can dance.” – Ellen van Dam In one of the lush gardens between the Australian Ballet Building and the Art Centre, one can see these graceful sculptures of ballerinas and a dragonfly in tiptoes. Thanks to my hubby for taking these photos with his iphone. Six Word Saturday Sculpture Saturday La…

Doors Open Up

“Open the door…it may lead you to some place you never expected…” – unknown Another sculpture piece at the Pt Leo Sculpture Park in Red Hill, Victoria. This is called Dreams of Ordinary People (2010) made of cast iron/steel and is a sculpture of Peter Tilley, an Australian born sculptor. Here, the the featureless human…

An Arch with Eye and Lips

“Sculpture is the art of the intelligence.” – Pablo Picasso At the Pt Leo Estate Sculpture Park in Red Hill, Victoria. This is a sculpture by Deborah Halpern, an Australian born artist. It is called Portal to Another Time and Place and is made of Ceramic, Steel and concrete. Six Word Saturday Sculpture Saturday

UPdated Hosier Laneway

“Speak softly, but carry a big can of paint.” – Banksy, Wall and Piece I have not visited Hosier Lane (Melbourne’s most celebrated lane for Streetart) for at least a year because of the pandemic. Last November was the first time that I was able to walk it’s cobblestone streets again once the restrictions have eased….