Window shopping in Edinburgh

Edinburgh offers more than just castles and historic sites—it’s also a place for diverse and vibrant shopping experiences. Here are some Scottish windows blending modern culture with rich history. Love the window reflection of the buildings from the opposite side. Want to do some window shopping with me?

Bao Shop Windows in York

YORK, UK A Bao shop near the main shopping strip of York. Linked to Ludwig’s Monday Window Challenge. With some cute designs of Baos.

Upstairs Windows in Bristol

Here are some houses that seem to be renovated. These windows can be seen on the top floors of the houses in Bristol, UK. Linked to Ludwig’s Monday Window

Somebody by the Window saw me

Here are more captivating windows from the Cotswolds. What’s amusing is that precisely when I snapped the picture, a lady by the window seemed to be peering back at me haha Quite the unexpected moment! Some more on the main street of Castle Combe.

A clown by the window – 5

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA The image of a clown can evoke varied reactions. While some find them amusing, others may feel uneasy. Personally, I’ve noticed a sense of unsettlement when encountering clowns, much like the discomfort I feel when I see eerily human-like antique dolls. How about you, what do you think? This is a clown…

A Chef by the Window – 3

Still in Porto … I was walking down below and saw this window on the second level. I thought, this is so cute. I am linking this to Ludwig’s Monday Window Challenge

Old Lady by the Window – 1

PORTO, PORTUGAL This is in an apartment by the Praca Ribeira in Porto. I wonder what she was thinking about? I am linking this to Ludwig’s Monday Window Challenge

St Mary’s Cathedral and its Windows

St Mary’s Cathedral is the largest church in Australia. It is an active place of worship and an important landmark in Sydney. Let me take you inside to see the beautiful stained glass windows which I am linking to Ludwig’s Monday Window.