The journey continues …

“Roads were made for journeys not destinations.” – Confucius After an overnight stay and 2 days on the road in Vigan, we were off again. before it was Pam, my niece, who was driving, and now it was Ram’s turn, my nephew. Sharing this for Jo’s Monday Walk And so, the adventure continues… Next stop…the…

Lines from back home…

Some straight parallel lines and some intersecting lines in the Philippines. The next two photos were taken in Ilocos Norte Province in the northern part of the country some few years gone past. These are coloured windows in a church in Cebu City in the middle islands of Visayas.

In Black & White

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Lao Tzu I should have been in my home town now if it had not been for the pandemic. I miss my place of birth. … my family and friends back home. … speaking in my native tongue. … eating my native…