Stepping to a new year

As we step into the new year, may our hopes and our wishes come true. Wishing for abundant joy, success, and cherished moments. Here’s to more family time, thrilling adventures, exciting travels, and moments of self-indulgence in the activities we love. Cheers to a fulfilling 2024! Linked to Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday

2021 The New Year is UPon Us

“Let go of all that holds you down, the next three hundred sixty five days are for you.” – Emily Byrnes “To everyone… a new year is UPon us. Let’s make it a Great One!” Although firework displays were cancelled in Melbourne and gatherings are down again to just 15 people indoors…I have still so…

Oh what a year that was …. Melbourne

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley We are literally in the end of 2020. Same time last year, we were all getting ready for the festive fireworks display in the city. None of us expected what the next year would bring us. Most of…