Yellow Flower

“Today is going to be a great day.” The sky may be grey today where I am, but that is not a reason not to be happy. Happy Monday everyone. This is for Cee’s FOTD challenge #macroMonday

Welcome to Buda Gardens

“All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.” – Proverb I have posted many photos from gardens recently like the Cloudehill Gardens and the Rhododendron Gardens, so let me take you now to a different one, the Buda Historic Homes and Gardens. This was one of the places that my…

Benches and Chairs in Cloudehill

“I was just sitting here enjoying the company, plants got a lot to say, if you take the time to listen.” – Anonymous These are two of the sitting sculptures in Cloudehill Gardens by Graeme Foote. These are part of Graeme’s Australian women series featuring Christine Nixon (Australian Police Officer) on the left and Dame…

Seeing it Up Close

”Come right up close to me and I will show you something wonderful.” – Roald Dahl I love taking close up photos but at times I don’t succeed because maybe I don’t have the correct lens or my hands are not steady enough or maybe I thought it was clear but when I looked at…