White Dahlias

Took my sister and niece to one of my favorite spots for urban sketching, eager to share my go-to location with them. Here are some white Dahlia at the Old Cheese Factory in Berwick. For Cee’s FOTD

White Lotus

BLUE LOTUS WATER GARDEN, AUSTRALIA Linked to Cee’s Flower Of The Day – FOTD Challenge

My 2023

My last post for this year is a look-back on the year that was. So many memories made and much to be grateful for. Linked to Cee’s FOTD and to Xingfumama’s Whatsoever is Lovely Challenge ————————- oOo ————————- Wishing all of you a blessed Christmas Season and joyous New beginnings… ————————- oOo ————————- “No matter…

Connie’s garden

Tim, Jack, and I enjoyed a delightful two-night stay at my cousin Connie’s place in Edinburgh. Despite its brevity, the visit was filled with joy as we caught up, chatted, and laughed late into the night. Before we said goodbye, Connie shared her garden, filled with vibrant autumn flowers.. Linked to Cee’s FOTD challenge

Ruby Red bloom

“There is a shade of red for every woman.” – Audrey Hepburn This is for Terri’s Sunday Stills Monthly Colour challenge with the topic of Ruby Red. The colour is emotionally charged which represents strong feeling and passionate nature. It is the colour of the gemstone, blood and cherries and is said to be a…

Soft shade of Pink

“ Don’t you know? What makes a rose beautiful is not just its petals but also its thorns.” – Simon B Thomas FOTD

Closeups in my Garden

“Never underestimate the healing power of a quiet moment in the garden.” – unknown CMMC – Closeups in my Garden FOTD

Spring Blossoms

“The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing.” – S. Brown It is that time again… these pretty pink Cherry Blossoms are in bloom now. For Cee’s Flower of the Day – FOTD

Pink Daisies

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”– Frances Hodgson Burnett For Cee’s Flower of the Day – FOTD

From Orange Trees to Orange Beanies

“There is no blue without yellow and without orange.” – Vincent Van Gogh This is my entry for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – CFFC – Orange, which incorporates a few other Challenges. These are some orange trees during the past autumn season at the Rhododendron Botanical Garden. For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare Orange variety of flowers for…

Yellow Flower

“Today is going to be a great day.” The sky may be grey today where I am, but that is not a reason not to be happy. Happy Monday everyone. This is for Cee’s FOTD challenge #macroMonday

One Photo… Two Ways

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.” – unknown For LAPD Lens Artist Photo Challenge – For Jez’s Water Water Everywhere My first photo is a rough rendition of boats in the Vltava, the longest river in the Czech Republic. This is just my trial of the Adobe Paint…

Rain kissed the flower

“Rain kissed the flower, And the petals embraced the rain drops.” – Arvinth Manoharan For Cee’s FOTD Challenge

Japanese Anemone

“A white flower grows in quietness. Let your tongue become that flower.” – Rumi for Cee’s FOTD – Japanese Anemone

Raindrops on a Bright Pink Flower

“Small raindrops on flowers are like small happiness on life.” – Sushama BeckyB’s Square Challenge – Raindrops and a Bright Pink Flower Jude’s Life in Colour Challenge – Bright Pink FOTD – Pink Flower

Looking Upon Decay…

“I have always looked upon decay as being just as wonderful and rich an expression of life as growth.” – Henry Miller I love how these flowers are still standing upright even in decay… “There is something in the decay of nature that awakens thought, even in the most trifling mind.” – Sarah Josepha Hale…

A Red Flower

“A flower has no time to waste; Her soul stems from self-love.” – Angie Weiland-Crosby FOTD – A red flower

Rose Buds

“If you watch how nature deals with adversity, continually renewing itself, you can’t help but learn.” – Bernie Siegel MD Every time I see a bud, I think of a time of renewal. Little by little the bud breaks out and the leaves begin to grow… it’s a time of new growth! “Have patience, little…

Yellow Daffodils and Coffee Mugs

“If one daffodil is worth a thousand pleasures, then one is too few.” – William Wordsworth No other flower can represent Spring more than a Daffodil. It comes in different shades but the most common is the vibrant yellow. I know it is not spring where I am, but I found this in my files…

Bright Marigolds

“Today is going to be a great day.” – unknown Marigolds are great plants to brighten the garden with its rich yellow, lemon, gold, orange and reddish-brown flowers. For Cee’s FOTD


“It’s the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry FOTD – Red Striped Rose CFFC – Red

Orange Dahlia

“Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul…” – Luther Burbank FOTD

Dried UP Flowers

“That flower Those petals The smell Are only dried UP memories of love… – Himanshu Saxena FOTD SquareUp – Dried UP Flowers

It’s a Pink World

It is the first time that I discovered this particular challenge from Cee… and it’s about everything that is Pink! First entry for CMMC – Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge FOTD Clematis or Leather Flowers An installation at the National Gallery of Victoria as part of the NGV Triennial. It is called Quantum Memories 2020 by Refik…

Calla Lily Sprouted Up

“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” – Henri Matisse This yellow-orange Lily suddenly sprouted UP in my back garden. I used to have only white lilies but now these are some pleasant addition. Cee’s FOTD Challenge Becky B’s SquareUp – Sprouted Up Please click image to enlarge.