Here we go again!?!

The new normal… it is the acceptance that this will happen again and again and we just have to get used to it. This is Melbourne … by 11:59 tonight, we are back in Lockdown. Acting Premier of Victoria announced that Victoria is to have a 7 day Circuit Breaker snap lockdown. (Fingers crossed 🤞…

Oh what a year that was …. Melbourne

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley We are literally in the end of 2020. Same time last year, we were all getting ready for the festive fireworks display in the city. None of us expected what the next year would bring us. Most of…

Here We Go Again!

“Everybody has to do their part.” After 61 days of Melbourne’s Covid Free streak, there are 3 new cases today. I know it’s not much but I still feel gutted.