Shades of Bright Pink Hydrangeas

“Every flower blooms in its own time.” – Ken Petti It was fun joining Becky and the rest of the blogging community this whole month of April. It was enjoyable to see some brightness all around the globe. And this is from me to end this month of flowery brightness and pink. Some Hydrangeas at…

Colourful Burano

“I am a believer that colors affects people’s moods.” – Lily Pulitzer __________________________________πŸšžπŸšŽπŸš—πŸšƒπŸ›«πŸš  On the Road from Venice to Burano… Burano is just a day trip away from Venice on a vaporetto. It takes about half an hour travelling time between the two islands. This is what can be seen along the way. Please click…

I Wore my GREEN shoes today

“Ooops I spent grocery money on shoes again.” – a quote from google and that’s not me talking Bought this shoes on the weekend and it is so comfy! Let me take you on a walk while I am wearing it today πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Some greens here: Store window display in Mornington Peninsula From an antique…

Life in Yellow

“Yellow…the colour of Sunshine, hope and happiness.” – Iram Khan Here is my entry for Jude’s Life in Colour Challenge – Yellow Please click to enlarge image “How lovely yellow is! It stands for the sun.” – Vincent Van Gogh “The colour yellow makes me smile.” – unknown “Live life in warm yellows.” – unknown