Ways to communicate…

In what ways do you communicate online? Migrating to Australia with my husband and one-year-old son left me homesick for a long time. Back then, snail mail was my lifeline to connect with my dad, workmates, and relatives due to the expense of long-distance calls. In today’s digital age, communication is easier but lacks the…

Roadtrip: London to Edinburgh then back

Think back on your most memorable road trip. This is a suggested prompt for #Bloganuary Each road trip I’ve had holds its own charm, but the recent journey from London to Edinburgh last November, where my son Tim took the wheel, stands out as the most memorable and exhilarating experience. First stop was Cotswolds. The…

Bloganuary: Favourite Quote

What is your favorite quote and why? The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller No one can truly understand or appreciate the true beauty of the world just by observing and touching, one must be connected with what…