Large, Medium & Tiny

“The world only exists in your eyes. You can make it as big or as small as you want.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald Three sizes of colourful metal sculptures of animals in a Gallery in Daylesford, Victoria. Do you see the tiny one? CFFC: Size Comparison of Objects – Large, Medium & Tiny BeckyB’s Square…

pUPil #3

“We try to hide our feelings but we forget our eyes speak.” – unknown January…the first month of 2021 … what better way to start the year than by joining Becky and the rest of the blogging community have fun with daily SquareUPs. We did it guys… See you again in a few months… In…

A New Street Art is UP

“Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” – Alice in Wonderland The “New Normal” for the restaurant business in Melbourne is outdoor seating. Rutledge Lane, a street off the famous and ever busy Hosier Lane, has opened UP two new Pop UP restaurants for Covid safe dining….

Sit Down and Have a cUPpa

“Tea time is a chance to slow down, pull back and appreciate our surroundings.” – Letitia Baldridge Put your feet up … sit down … and have a cuppa. This is I inviting you to join me…Do you use that term too in your country? Cuppa is a Slang contraction of “cup of”, believed to…

Urban Decay in Venice

Venice’s architecture has the most exquisite stonework but underneath those walls lie a great problem, it’s the destruction of brick by saltwater. CFFC – Urban Decay in Venice SquareUp – Venice in Squares Please click image to enlarge.

Looking Up at Fed Square

It is hard to think of Melbourne without Fed Square. But this iconic building hasn’t been around for long. Federation Square was just opened in 2002 and is now home to major cultural attractions, specialty stores, bars and restaurants. It is located in the middle of the Melbourne CBD opposite the Flinders Street Train Station….

pUPil #1

“There’s a story in her eyes.” – unknown A streetart in Hosier Lane (Melbourne) by Cax One, a street artist from Ballarat, Victoria. Monday Murals SquareUp – pUPil First time doing this WP slider, hope it works.

UPdated Hosier Laneway

“Speak softly, but carry a big can of paint.” – Banksy, Wall and Piece I have not visited Hosier Lane (Melbourne’s most celebrated lane for Streetart) for at least a year because of the pandemic. Last November was the first time that I was able to walk it’s cobblestone streets again once the restrictions have eased….