The doors and Seats of Château d’Amboise

A place of residence for French kings from the 15th to the 19th centuries and is linked to the history of France. These are some of the outdoor benches and doors that can be found in the Chateau d’Amboise in France. Inside the castle you can find countless doors, hallways, staircases all leading up to rooms…


“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci Amboise is a town in central France’s Loire Valley. It’s known for the Château d’Amboise, the grand 15th-century residence of King Charles VIII featuring Leonardo da Vinci’s tomb, as well as royal chambers, gardens and underground passageways, old towns, villages and views of the river. Here…

Green Foliage

“In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that’s the way new leaves grow.” – Amit Ray I had just finished watching a travel show and it made me think. After more than a year of the pandemic there’s this question running through my mind. Would travel ever be…

A Hole on the Wall

“One may see through a wall, if there’s a hole in it.” – German Proverb CFFC – Hole on the Wall Seeing the French city of Carcassonne through a hole on the wall of La Cite, a medieval fortified city. Seeing the Loire River from an opening on the walls of the Chateau d’Amboise in…