“My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.” – Claude Monet
You’ll be surprised with the number of Monuments, Statues and Streetart all around the streets of Budapest.…But if you’re like me and my husband, every time we look for a place in google maps, we get lost. Why is it that my kids can find locations with just one look while we (the oldies) have to turn our phone this way and that way and the more we get confused because the streets are turning the other way. OMG who of you are having the same problem?…

So instead of finding lots of these monuments, statues and streetarts … we just found a few. Here they are…
The Fat Policeman statue – patting his belly will bring good luck. As you can see by the colour of his tummy, it is obvious that a lot of people has done just that!

The Little Princess statue is located with a view of the Danube and the Buda castle in the distance. The artist was inspired by his daughter who would wear a dressing gown and pretended to be a princess.

Statue of famous Hungarian Painter Roskovics Ignac on the banks of the Danube

Girl and Her Dog Statue is a Life size sculpture of a girl playing ball with her dog.

Radnoti Miklos, a Hungarian teacher and poet.

The statue of Josef Bem or the “Piski Statue” in Andrassy Street.

This is Szabad Hazaert as translated means free motherland. The statue was erected as a tribute to the Hungarian freedom fighters who fought in the war of independence against Austria.

We happened to pass by this gallery called the Koller Galleria.

Oh hey, isn’t it great to have an umbrella on a rainy day!

When we entered the gallery, we went straight back out the back door because we saw this gorgeous manicured garden with the walls covered with ivy as well as amazing contemporary sculptures.
Here are some of the sculptures from the garden.

We just entered this gallery by chance, not knowing that this is the oldest private gallery in Hungary, founded in 1953.

This gallery mainly features modern and contemporary art of Hungarian artists.

It has three levels. On the top floor is a memorial room for the Hungarian artist, Amerigo Tot. One can also have a good view of the Hungarian Parliament and the river Danube.

This was in 2018.
Wow, this is chock full of beautiful art, Teresa. I hardly know where to start. The policeman might be my favorite. I love that people have rubbed his tummy so much! I also love the girl playing with the dog. There are so many things to love in this post. No wonder you love Budapest. 🙂
I know Marsha, I so love it there. But it is to each her own because some people may prefer the more organised, much cleaner and more cultured country like Vienna. But I am a Budapest kind of girl. Thanks for liking it Marsha ❤️
It takes all types of art to please everyone. Each person is different and makes an impact even of what art we see and enjoy.
Heavens! Lots, Teresa! Hope you’re having a good weekend.
All so beautiful and interesting.
Thanks Sofia !
You’re welcome.
Amazing sculptures and great murals.
Yes I’m with you Teresa with the Google maps. It drives my hubby mad as he would rather just walk and see what happens. It’s happened to me so many times and you end up walking up and down the same street again and again 😂
LOL so it’s just not us! So frustrating especially when you are pressed for time!
Despite the challenges with the map (and yes, I too hate how digital devices insist on turning the world upside down!), you seem to have found plenty of art here 🙂 My favourite of the public art pieces is the Little Princess statue, but I’m also very taken with that gallery and especially its sculptures. What a happy accident that you wandered in for a look!
You could just imagine how much more we have seen if we didn’t get lost.
And true… sometime priceless things are discovered unexpectedly!
Have a good day 👍