One More Time … from London

“Life is a one way street, and we are not coming back.” – Anon

I have posted photos of murals that my son has sent me through a span of several weeks. This is the last of the series but hopefully he will send me again soon. I think this is in Shoreditch or in Brick Lane in London.

for Sami’s Monday Murals- London


  1. Dora says:

    Such distinctive designs in this series from your son—He must have his mother’s eye for photography. 🙂 Will see you on the other side of my break from blogging.

    1. Teresa says:

      See you soon, Dora. It has always been a pleasure reading your comments!

      1. Dora says:


  2. Iris Empereur says:

    Interesting ones. Room for thoughts for sure.

    1. Teresa says:

      It is either you like it or you don’t is the thing here!

  3. lolaWi says:

    very interesting murals, T! 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Wi.

  4. sami veloso says:

    The greenies have landed 🙂
    They are both quite cute murals. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Teresa.

    1. Teresa says:

      Always a pleasure Sami!

  5. I think I like the first one, the green men better than the second one. However, it was great that your son is on the lookout for you, too.

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, it is our one way of communicating since we are so far from each other. Thanks for stopping by.

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