Chasing Light

“Hope is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.” – unknown

Update: I was watching the news morning and seeing that cases of Delta in Melbourne is continually rising and Sydney as well… it doesn’t seem like this will come to an end soon. At first we were casually saying that this is our sixth Lockdown and we know what’s happening and we will get through this in a week or so. But no …. It is not looking good and it seems that the target to ease restrictions on September 2 is a hard ask. And seeing people in some parts of the world or even in other Australian states, going around and doing their business as usual makes me a bit jealous and sad.

For Tina’s Lens Artist Photo Challenge where I am featuring natural light. The time of day, where I position myself and what mood I am in, makes the difference.

“I am forever chasing light. Light turns the ordinary into the magical.” – Trent Parke

A walk in Southbank, Melbourne as the sun was going down, casting shadows on people along the promenade.

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson

For Jez’s Water Water everywhere

My photos tell a story and they carry so much of my personal memories. Every walk that I make brings me some simple joys of discovering nature…

Pelicans standing tall with the sun shining from high above at midday in the San Remo waterfront in regional Victoria.

Watching the glow of the sunset over the bridge with the birds standing side by side.

The late afternoon sun over the fields…

Autumn’s glow feels more vibrant as the sun shines on the leaves.

Cattail with its fuzz glowing in the morning sunshine…


And on that note, wish me luck for my second jab tomorrow. Hope all goes well!


  1. wanderlustig says:

    Stunning pictures 😊. And I love the quotes!
    All the best for you tomorrow. My two Pfizer Biontech shots did not cause much trouble.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for liking them. My first jab didn’t cause me any problem too so hopefully this next one is also the same.

  2. nesfelicio says:

    Stay safe! Great shots! My faves are the pelicans and the birds on the bridge.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for liking them Nes! And thanks I will try my best to be safe.

  3. Leya says:

    Wishing you good luck, Teresa! And these are wonderful examples of what light means in our daily life. Love the sunset bridge especially!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much A-C. And thanks too that you think that my photos are good examples for the challenge.

      1. Leya says:

  4. Wonderful post, Teresa 👏 Beautiful images 😃 Stay safe 🤞

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much for the well wishes, Jez. Thanks too for liking the photos.

  5. restlessjo says:

    The pelicans is a stunner, Teresa. In England it often feels like Covid is forgotten. Second last day for us,sadly. Keeping fingers crossed for you 🙄💕

    1. Teresa says:

      Yeah I know, my son told me that it is like what it was in London. So fingers crossed for us! Thanks Jo!

      1. restlessjo says:


  6. Angela says:

    Absolutely beautiful photos and good luck with your vaccine. Hope it will go smoothly. 💗

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Angela for liking the photo as well as the well wishes!

      1. Angela says:

        My pleasure!

  7. lolaWi says:

    beautiful photos Techie! good luck with your second jab! 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot my friend. I hope so too that it all goes well. 🤞

  8. Hammad Rais says:

    That late afternoon sun is certainly soothing enough to calm tired nerves. Lovely captures 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot, Hammad! 👍🏼

  9. Alison says:

    Great photos Teresa, I hope all goes well tomorrow and no side effects. Hoping you get out of lockdown very soon

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Ali! I hope that everything you said will come true! 😍

      1. Alison says:

        It will Teresa, eventually

        1. Teresa says:

          I know it will…how soon, is the big question.

  10. Toonsarah says:

    Oh yes, good luck for the second jab! I’m glad that Australia is starting to catch up a bit on that front – it’s the only way out of this mess. You can only close borders and lock down for so long, it can’t become a permanent state.

    Meanwhile I enjoyed your backlit photos and I love the one of the pelicans 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      I know, getting vaccinated is the only way out of this. We are starting to catch up you are right, which is long overdue…but still many anti vax out there… so who knows what tomorrow will bring us.

      Anyway, thanks for the nice comment about the photos, Sarah!

  11. Florin says:

    Great photo selection!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot.

  12. Beautiful photos – I wish I had half your skill!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks but don’t say that….each one of us are doing what we love doing in our own style with our own story.

  13. JohnRH says:

    GREAT selections.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks John, happy that you liked them!

  14. Several fantastic photos here Teresa, but I also like the pelicans!! …I sure hope you get back to normal life soon. We have the back and forth mask thing going on here, but we’re able to be out and about. Keeps me grateful for what is good in life. Hugs! 🤗

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for liking some of my photos, Lisa!

      Normal is so far from what we are feeling and experiencing now so I sure hope so. But yes, I am still grateful for so much in life. Have a great day My dear.

  15. Tina Schell says:

    Glorious examples of the wonders of natural light Teresa. They’re all wonderful but the pelicans stole my heart in this one. Agree with your thoughts on the virus. I think we all thought we’d be in a better place by now. Instead we’re facing increasing numbers of serious illness complicated by people’s fatigue with taking basic measures of protection. Sigh

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Tina for liking my pelicans.
      The virus is really getting to us from Melbourne as we are really unsure of things tight now. Be safe out there, Tina and to your family.

      1. Tina Schell says:

        Yes, have been reading about Australia’s struggles as we continue to battle here. You be safe too Teresa

  16. What gorgeous photos! They take on a magical quality, all lit up. The pelicans really looked very fine and the last one had such an ethereal feel. Stay safe Teresa!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Sheetal for the nice comment.

  17. Heyjude says:

    I love the backlit photos, that was one option I was going to use, but I didn’t. And the quotes are fab. I don’t think you should be envious of other places opening up. Here in Cornwall thanks to all the visitors (everywhere has been heaving for weeks now) we have the highest infections in the country (from zero in June) and the OH and I feel as though we are still trapped at home because hardly anyone is wearing masks or sanitising their hands when going inside a shop. Although we are both double jabbed there is still a chance of catching the virus and neither of us really wants that, but there is a good chance we will at some point I imagine.

    1. Teresa says:

      That’s the thing, I don’t think we can ever return to what we call “normal”. It will take years really if we don’t act responsibly. Be safe Jude 👍🏼

  18. pattimoed says:

    A wonderful collection of light, Teresa! Beautiful golden light. Good luck tomorrow, too. I’m relieved you’re getting a 2nd jab and will be fully vaccinated. 😁

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, was fully vaccinated but feeling a bit down today. Hopefully will feel better tomorrow.

      1. pattimoed says:

        It took me a day or so to feel better. I’m sure you’ll feel better soon.

        1. Teresa says:

          Thanks so much Patti!

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