Light & Shadow

”Both light and shadow are the dance of love.” – Rumi

It is always the combination of light and shadow that makes the subject come alive. Sometimes it is the angle of the light that gives the mood of the the shot.

Like this below…same tree… but photos were taken from opposite sides giving one a bright photo while the other has a shadow effect.

There are many ways to tackle the theme this week so I have decided to go just one way, since it doesn’t take much to confuse me … I have put up light shining on the objects or people creating some interesting shadows.

“All the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow.” – Leo Tolstoy

Those are my shadows in both of these photos.

Even if the sun is nowhere to be seen, there are shadows especially seen on wet pavings.

Lens Artist Photo Challenge- Light & Shadow


  1. Alison says:

    Love these Teresa .. wonderful comparisons

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Ali!

  2. Raven says:

    Reblogged this on About the Jez of It.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for the reblog, greatly appreciate it!

      1. Raven says:

        Great post, was too good not to

  3. VJ Knutson says:

    Creative entries T!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks VJ at first I didn’t think it was. Happy that you liked it!

      1. VJ Knutson says:

        You always have such interesting shots. You’re welcome.

    2. willowdot21 says:

      Nicely done 💜

      1. Teresa says:

        Thanks 🙏🏻

        1. willowdot21 says:

          A pleasure 💜

  4. Ohh, I love the art piece but even more the one from above. <3 I also like both photos of four people shadows and I think the first (dry) one would make a great album cover.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for enjoying what I have posted, Manja! I had a mental block before this…. Lucky I was able to think of something!

  5. Leya says:

    Creativity blooming, Teresa! Love your diversity and…cannot pick a favourite. They are all so good. Love the art. Love the shadows coming from in front and only the legs of people shown. You are an inspiration!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks, you guys inspire me to do better!

      1. Leya says:

        Sounds great!

  6. Lovely photos Teresa! But that one in the field of grass, looking into the sun through the trees is so beautiful! (photo #4)

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for liking it, Lisa. I love that time of day!

  7. JohnRH says:

    Wow. GREAT examples. I love the comparison also.

    1. Teresa says:

      Glad you liked them, John!

  8. Superb set. I especially like that first pair of photos

    1. Teresa says:

      Hey, happy that you liked them. Thanks I.J.

  9. Great shots, Teresa 👏 Love the one looking down into the restaurant 😃

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