It’s a Pink World

It is the first time that I discovered this particular challenge from Cee… and it’s about everything that is Pink!

First entry for CMMC – Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge


Clematis or Leather Flowers

An installation at the National Gallery of Victoria as part of the NGV Triennial. It is called Quantum Memories 2020 by Refik Anadol. 

A street art that can be seen in present times at the Hosier Lane, Melbourne.

Pink rabbit sculpture in Vienna, 2018, made by the German concept artist Ottmar Horl 

Some marzipans at the Budapest Christmas market in 2018

Lastly, something that we all need and is in high demand during the first part of the pandemic…I really don’t know why?



  1. Great post! Pink is one of my favorite colors!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Lisa!

  2. Sheila says:

    That rabbit is something else! Enjoyed all your pink pictures

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks, happy that you enjoyed them Sheila!

  3. All is perfect for this challenge!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Aletta!

  4. Cee Neuner says:

    What cool and varied pinks you have for us this week. Fabulous post 😀

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Cee. I didn’t even realize that I had a lot of pinks in my gallery.

  5. restlessjo says:

    Gorgeous clematis! And there you go tempting me with chocolates 🙂 🙂

  6. Alison says:

    Great pinks 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Ali!

  7. lolaWi says:

    beautiful clematis, T! love this series! 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh did I get the name correctly? I was waiting for somebody to correct me haha. I don’t know much about flowers. Thanks Wi and have a great weekend!

  8. That quantum memory is amazing..

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks that you liked it.

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