“Spread GREEN, Save BLUE, Donate RED & Make a healthy environment.” – Jakirul Islam
Another day of random things…I should stop doing this. But it is so much fun searching and reminiscing…
Update: Victoria’s snap 5 day lockdown has been lifted but some restrictions still remain. No new cases in the past 24 hours! – Good on ya Melbourne!
Talking about Melbourne… Here are some Red, Green and Blues from Melbourne’s markets, iconic places, street mural and shops.
Please click photo to see full image.

For Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge – February Pick a Topic from My Photo- CMMC – Green, Red & Blue
Good news about your lockdown. Cases are going down here now but we’ll still be in lockdown for a while I fear.
How is the vaccine going?
The roll-out is going well, a little ahead of what was a challenging schedule 🙂 Both I and my sister have had our first jab, as have several friends. I hope my (slightly younger) husband will get his next month. Our figures are all going in the right direction but still high. We’ll have an announcement from the government on Monday about a ‘road-map’ out of lockdown but it’s likely to be very cautious – they’ve learned their lesson about coming out too quickly last time. Some school kids will go back in March but I reckon it will be April before we adults get to have any fun again!!
Oh well at least its getting there. Our turn is coming soon too. Hopefully all will go well. Good luck to all of us!
This is a cool response to my challenge. 😀 😀
Thanks, had fun with this!
Vibrant colours! Lovely
Thanks Rita!