From Belém’s pastries to Fado’s melodies

(and everything in Between)


We started early and walked to the train station. Some interesting things to see and smell along the way. Like the protruding car, some souvenirs and chestnuts roasting … yum my fave!

From the train window I saw these murals. I see that cat in a lot of posts in IG but sadly I wasn’t able to go near it.

Upon exiting the train, we made our way to the renowned Pasteis de Belem for delightful Pasteis de Nata and coffee.

In 1837 they began making the original Pastéis de Belém, following an ancient recipe from the monks of the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.

The mere sight of those enticing tarts has me salivating right now. haha The craving is real! (Oh yes we also have this here in Melbourne but of course it is the atmosphere and the vibe of the city that makes the difference.)

About a five minute walk from the shop we reached the Jeronimos Monastery. The Jerónimos Monastery is a National Monument and was classified a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.

This monastery was constructed in the Portuguese Late Gothic Manueline style.

Facing a lengthy queue, we admired the church from the outside. Despite my desire to explore the interior, as mentioned in my earlier blog, I wasn’t the planner for this Lisbon trip, prompting us to proceed to our next stop.

Crossed the street to Jardim da Praca do Imperio which is a 3.3 hectare garden opened to the public in 1940 as part of the Great Exhibition of the Portuguese World event. It also displays some of the coat of arms of Portugal.

This is the Monument of the Discoveries which commemorates Portugal’s many famous explorers and adventurers who left Portugal to travel the world. This monument is located on the banks pof the Tejo River in Belem.

One of these explorers is Ferdinand Magellan who by the way discovered the Philippines as well.

What I love most are the tiled mosaic pavements with different designs and shapes.

A bit farther away is the Tower of Belem, another UNESCO World Heritage Site declared in 1983. This one-time defensive fortress and ceremonial gateway to Lisbon was built in the early 16th century during Portugal’s golden Age of Discovery.

And I remembered how lovely having a cold drink from this stall because it was so warm that day.

Next, we took a long walk in the heat to get to the bus stop. I wasn’t quite sure how long the walk was, I just remember the perspiration that kept trickling down my forehead.

Next destination was the LX Factory.

The LX Factory is a cool and hip place full of colourful murals.

It used to be a busy place with textile factories and other industries. But in the early 2000s, it got a makeover and turned into a cool creative hub.

It is a trendy place to enjoy a meal.

After lunch we headed back to our airbnb to rest and freshen up.

But our day wasn’t over yet. At 7:30, we had a booking to watch a Fado show at Adega Machado, a nightspot which dates back to 1937. Fado is distinctly Portuguese and it is music that comes from the soul. Unfortunately, taping of the show was not permitted.

Fado is a music genre which can be traced to the 1820s in Lisbon, Portugal, but probably has much earlier origins. Fado historian and scholar Rui Vieira Nery states that “the only reliable information on the history of fado was orally transmitted and goes back to the 1820s and 1830s at best. – Wikipedia

Food was amazing. And music was interesting. I thought that it would put me to sleep but it definitely did not. We even waited for the second set.

And then it was time to call it a night.

Photos from 18 October 2023


  1. arlene says:

    Lovely photos of your travels Techie.🥰

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Arlene. Wonderful memories.

  2. bushboy says:

    A wonderful time and photos 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      It definitely was a great time. Thanks, glad you liked it.

  3. Jim Earlam says:

    Wonderful architecture 😀

    1. Teresa says:


  4. ThingsHelenLoves says:

    Whoever did the trip planning did very well, what a fabulous day. Food, colour, music, history- a winning combination!

    1. Teresa says:

      My son did the planning Helen. Thanks, glad you liked it.

  5. Rupali says:

    Lovely captures. Such memories.

    1. Teresa says:

      Memories to last a lifetime. Thanks Rupali for coming along.

  6. Toonsarah says:

    A long day and a hot one, but some wonderful sights! I love Belém and of course enjoying the Pastéis in the original spot is extra special! A shame you didn’t go inside the monastery however – it’s spectacular, you’ll have to go back one day!

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh nooo I am just content with googling it for now. No plans of going back any time soon. Thanks for the visit Sarah.

  7. margaret21 says:

    You’re really selling Portugal – a country I hardly know.

    1. Teresa says:

      I have a few more posts. Maybe after that you may decide to go haha. Thanks Margaret. ❤️

  8. Belem looks gorgeous. When we were travelling in Brazil, Belem was our next destination. At first I was so excited when I saw all o the beautiful architecture and then realized it was Belem, Portugal and not Belem, Brazil that I was looking at. I’d love to see Portugal’s Belem one day. Maggie

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh yes Maggie, you will love Portugal.

  9. eklastic says:

    Awesome impressions, Teresa!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it.

  10. restlessjo says:

    It’s funny the bits you remember and the bits you forget, Teresa. I love Belem but had forgotten the gardens till I saw them here. Great photos from you and a super day of sights. I haven’t been to that LX factory yet so I’ll have to do that next time. Food at the Fado looked good. The music is an acquired taste but we’ve grown to love it. Many thanks for reviving a few memories.

    1. Teresa says:

      I had such fond memories of this place. You’re so lucky to be there. Thanks Jo for this blog to have a venue to relive all these memories of my walk.

      1. restlessjo says:

        That’s one of the best bits of blogging, isn’t it? Looking back and seeing all you’ve seen and done. I really should go up to Lisbon again but I think it will be autumn before we do.

        1. Teresa says:

          Well maybe Autumn will be good because of the autumn colours. Just make sure you don’t go during October like we did. ☔️☔️☔️

  11. PR says:

    Lovely! Reminds me of my own trip from a couple of years back. But I didn’t know of this LX factory..I should plan another trip 😀

    1. Teresa says:

      It is so fun. Gotta go back then!

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