Doors & Art in Rue des Deux Boules

The main place that we wanted to visit was 59 Rivoli. I have featured it previously here and this is the entry door to the gallery.

However, today’s post isn’t about that. I want to take you through the lesser-explored back doors and side streets of Rue des Deux Boules in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. It is a quaint lane tucked just behind and running parallel to the famous Rue de Rivoli.

Street art adorns most of the doors and walls.

There were not just murals, but also small 3D public art scattered around.

I am linking this to Dan’s Thursday Doors Challenge and for Natalie’s Photographing Public Art Challenge – PPAC

27 Comments Add yours

  1. restlessjo says:


    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Jo.

  2. margaret21 says:

    This looks a delightfully quirky street.

    1. Teresa says:

      That’s what I love about it. Thanks Margaret.

  3. What a delightful stroll you provided along this artistic street. I love all of it. The wonderful street art is something I enjoy. Thank you!

    1. Teresa says:

      Same here, Suzette. Thanks for stopping by.

      1. My pleasure, Teresa. I delight in stopping by!

  4. bushboy says:

    Love the mix of doors and street art Teresa

    1. Teresa says:

      That’s what I like too. Thanks Brian.

  5. Dan Antion says:

    Nice photos! I like the doors, the murals, but I really like the 3D bits added to the buildings.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Dan.

  6. robert heft says:

    i specially like the masks.
    many greetings robert

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Robert.

  7. Toonsarah says:

    I really like the 3D pieces. I’ve seen similar elsewhere in Paris but I don’t think we’ve been down that street – yet!

    1. Teresa says:

      Glad you like it. And also glad that I accidentally went to that street. Thanks.

  8. scooj says:

    Aah – right up my street. That gold door is just incredible.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Scooj, the door really stands out.

  9. Anne Fraser says:

    I love the mixture of old and new.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Anne.

  10. Susan says:

    I love the 3D art. My favorite door is the top one.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Susan, that really is an attractive door.

  11. Cressida says:

    I love 59 Rivoli….not sure if there is a little graffiti there or was it intended!

  12. janet says:

    What great, colorful finds! That first one almost burned my eyeballs with its bright colors and designs. 😉


    1. Teresa says:

      That’s a great way of saying it, Janet. You should see the interior.

  13. Walking Away says:

    I like the faces in particular

  14. Spectacular doors and artwork! Paris is sort of magical. 😊

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, Paris is that sort of place. Thanks Brenda for stopping by.

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