
A different language is a different vision of life.” –  Federico Fellini

As part of my series about Toledo, Spain, here are some doors that can be seen around the main town.

Toledo is the fabled land of Don Quixote and this is where reality meets fairy tales and legends. That is his statue at the bottom of the stairs with the backdrop of a lovely shaped arch.

My entry to Dan’s Thursday Doors Challenge

The many different doors that were influenced by varied architectural styles –Arabic, Mudejar, Romanesque, Gothic, 

I have been to a lot of churches and cathedrals, but one that impressed me most because of its attention to details, is the Toledo Cathedral.

Toledo’s illustrious main church ranks among the top 10 cathedrals in Spain. An impressive example of medieval Gothic architecture, its enormous interior is full of the classic characteristics of the style, rose windows, flying buttresses, ribbed vaults and pointed arches among them. The cathedral’s sacristy is a veritable art gallery of old masters, with works by Velázquez, Goya and – of course – El Greco.*

*Lonely Planet

Doors inside the cathedral and these doors lead you to one amazing architecture.

The following are photos from the interior of the Cathedral. Some of you may not be interested in churches but trust me, you will be in awe of this magnificent architecture.

The spectacular Capillia Mayor and its huge golden altar with intricate design from top to bottom.

This is the crucifix above the altar in the Main Chapel.

Part of the Golden Organ

This is the Great Monstance which is made of 18 kg of 18 karat gold and 183 kg of pure silver. It is over 10 foot high and famous for being used in the annual feast of Corpus Christi of Toledo.  It shines from whatever angle you look.

This light is being surrounded by a sculpture of prophets, saints and angels leading the way to the light or we can say, heaven.

This is the most famous part of the cathedral, called Transparente, which is a hole cut in the ceiling which lets light into the church. It illuminates a baroque sculpture, turning into a painting on the roof, which symbolises the ascent to Heaven. This is really a fantastic work of art and architecture but my camera didn’t do it justice.

The statue of the ‘Smiling Madonna and Child’ or The Virgin Blanca, is standing tall in the centre of the Saint Mary of Toledo, Spain.

The Sacristy is basically an art gallery that features several paintings by Toledo’s most famous son, the painter El Greco, like this one of the passion of Jesus framed by several smaller paintings of the Apostles.

The Painting in the ceiling of the Sacristy is by Luca Giordano.


  1. So many different doors and gorgeous buildings there. Would love to go there one day!

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, it is worth the visit. Thanks for stopping by Aletta!

  2. Wow! What a fabulous building.

    1. Teresa says:

      It definitely is. ❤️

  3. scooj says:

    A remarkable building, such opulence, and some lovely doors

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot Stephen.

  4. Dan Antion says:

    I’m having a hard time coming up with appropriate words. I’m stuck with “Wow” The photos are all wonderful, and the cathedral entrance would have made for an amazing post, but once you brought us inside, thoughts of doors faded away. I am amazed at the remarkable craftsmanship and the artestry that could only have been inspired in the hearts of those craftsmen by God. Thank you so much for sharing this, Teresa. You’ve made my day.

    1. Teresa says:

      That was what I was thinking. I would’ve stopped with the doors. But can’t resist sharing the magnificence of the place. Glad that you liked it as much as the doors.

  5. Dora says:

    I love the way your camera captures the beautiful nuances of shadow and light, making the architecture come alive. So beautiful.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Dora. The ceiling is so hard to capture because of the lights and shadows… had to edit a lot!

  6. Great variety of doors and if I’d been wearing socks, the photos of the altar, et al, would have knocked them off! Spectacular!


    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot Janet. You can wear your socks now. 😂😂😂

  7. jazzytower says:

    Such details here. Great post!!


    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Pat!

  8. slfinnell says:

    I for one am all about the European churches. If I ever get to travel there, the churches are first on my to visit list 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Some people with our tour group got bored with them but I didn’t. So you will love it when you get the chance. Thanks for stopping by.

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