“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – unknown
Sorry, but I am making this post very personal. It is Jack’s birthday, tomorrow, the 1st of August so I am having that as my first word ending with K.
“Thank you for always being there for me through good times and hard times. I am so thankful that I am spending it with you because we so love the same things (ok, not really), laugh at the same jokes (sometimes haha with eyes rolling), enjoy trying new restaurants (if it’s my choice), venturing to unknown places (also my choice). I can’t imagine myself without you as my travel buddy (even though we fight about google maps and we often get lost).
Happy Birthday to my Hubby & best friend, jacK.”

And now for the more serious stuff… For Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge CMMC – Word ending with K, the word is clocK.
Here are some clocks that I have seen from all around the place with my travel buddy. The rest are ordinary clocks so I don’t have to say more about them, but the featured photo is the double clock in the Jewish Quarter in Prague, Czech Republic. The lower clock with Hebrew symbols goes backwards. The Astronomical clock also have some description of how it operates but it is for another time because I don’t understand it myself.

Wonderful clocks and a Happy Birthday to Jack!
Thanks a lot for the greeting, Sofia. I love clocks!
Haha so funny Teresa, we think alike. Sounds like you have a great man by your side. Happy Birthday Jack
Wonderful clocks also
Agreed, he is a good man and we are good wives as well, don’t you think haha Thanks for liking my clocks.
Of course ..we are very appreciated
Great images of the clocks. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂Jack
Thanks so much 💛
A lovely tribute to your husband and travel buddy ❤ Happy birthday Jack!
Thanks Sarah. Lucky to have found a good one👍🏼
You and me both 😍
Happy Birthday Jac”K”. Marvelous photos 😀
haha thanks for the greeting!
Aw, sorry to have missed it! Hope it was a great day for Jack.
It’s today, Jo…thanks! the day is just starting…
Great collection of clocks and a happy birthday to Jack!
Thanks a lot for the greeting. And yes, I am fascinated by clocKs ⏰