Checks and Stripes

“You can never have too many striped tops.” – unknown and don’t care haha

For Ann-Christine who is hosting this week’s Lens Artist Photo Challenge – Stripes & Checks

Please click item to enlarge and to find out where the photos were taken.

And here are Pat, my daughter & my husband, Jack with their striped and checkered outfits.


  1. restlessjo says:

    What a fabulous gallery, Teresa! I smiled and oo-ed and ahh-ed all the way through 🙂 🙂 Especially loved Tweedledum and Tweedledee!

    1. Teresa says:

      I so love your comment, Jo! Greatly appreciated!

      1. restlessjo says:


  2. eklastic says:

    Oh, wow, I think I need to give my eyes a rest looking at a white wall or something! Great collection.

    1. Teresa says:

      Haha thanks so much. So happy to read your comment!

  3. Wow, an amazing selection Elke!!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks, but Teresa here. ❤️😀

      1. Sorry! I can change it if you want!

        1. Teresa says:

          No u don’t have to. All good…just teasing!

          1. 😀😂😜

  4. chava61 says:

    Lovely photo choices!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot ❤️

  5. Dan Antion says:

    Well done, Teresa!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Dan!

  6. Leya says:

    Wow, Teresa – just love them! What a gallery! The two guys in Australia and the bulldog are my favourites!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for liking them, Ann Christine. I didn’t expect to have that much photo in my gallery.

      1. Leya says:

        That is one of the good things about having to go back and look…

        1. Teresa says:

          Yup, but would love to be somewhere new in person. I wonder when that will be possible.

          1. Leya says:

            Yes…I wonder too..

  7. Tina Schell says:

    Loved the world tour of stripes and checks Teresa! Especially enjoyed the French and Australian art pieces. So fun!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks, I had fun sharing them, Tina!

  8. lolaWi says:

    beautiful and fun gallery, T! thanks for sharing the last two especially! lovely 🙂 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh thanks Wi! I had fun searching on my gallery.

  9. Love the gallery and the kilts brought back good memories of when our younger daughter and I visited Edinburgh and she had a kilt made. Took about half a year for it to arrive and of course now it doesn’t fit, but it was a very cool experience. Your daughter’s beautiful (and your husband good-looking.) 🙂


    1. Teresa says:

      Oh well the kilt was a good remembrance of younger times. And thanks…I would relay the message to my daughter and hubby..they would love that!

  10. Meikah says:

    Lovely collection of stripes and checks! <3

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much for your kind comment Meikah.

  11. Amy says:

    I love these fun and colorful selections! Great choices.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks, had fun reliving it again!

  12. JohnRH says:

    WOW. Now THOSE are stripes and checks. VERY well done. Kudos.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks John!

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