Bright Pink Protea

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.” – Buddha

Bright coloured Proteas in the Wilson’s Botanical gardens in the Southeast of Melbourne.

BeckyB’s Square Challenge- Bright pink Protea

Cee’s Flower of the Day – Pink Protea


  1. eklastic says:

    Proteas! Ahhhh… 😍 The King Protea is the national flower of South Africa.

    1. Teresa says:

      That is nice!

  2. Marsha says:

    Beautiful, Teresa. I hadn’t heard of a protea, so I looked it up. I bet it makes a beautiful shrub.

    1. Teresa says:

      It is nice for fried flower arrangements too!

      1. Marsha says:

        I have a feeling you meant dried. 🙂 I’m picking my poor brain trying to think of why one might fry a flower arrangement!! 🙂

        1. Teresa says:

          Ooppps haha yes definitely dried!

          1. Marsha says:

            I shouldn’t tease you. I don’t know you. But you can tease me on my next typo because I sure make them. When I first started blogging a spammer told me that my site was rife with errors. It hurt my feelings, but I’m sure it was right.

          2. Teresa says:

            Haha You can correct me any time…. I am not perfect so I can take it.

            I know that would hurt saying that to you. But maybe it is the manner of saying whether it’s constructive or just bashing.

          3. Marsha says:

            The early spam I got was crazy! The hurting only lasted a second, mostly I laughed until I found some of my rife of errors myself. LOL. I found out that one way to avoid so much spam is to cut off your comments after a year or so. The bots get busy on old material. Have you ever disabled comments?

          4. Teresa says:

            Yes, we are too old to think about the small stuff. Not that I am saying that we are old …but you know what I mean!

          5. Marsha says:

            LOL, unfortunately, I do. When I started blogging, I thought people my age now were old! 🙂

  3. Awesome colours here!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks. Made me happy to see its brightness!

  4. Gorgeous!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Aletta!

  5. arlene says:

    What a lovely bloom Techie.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks…they are native flowers of Australia.

  6. BeckyB says:

    think these are amazing flowers – always seem unreal when I get them in bouquet, so lovely to see one actually growing

    1. Teresa says:

      That is true…looks fake sometimes.

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