A day at the Farm

“Art is the colors and textures of your imagination.” – Meghan Trainor

I really had a great time last weekend. Not only was it a change of environment…. it was also the first time that I had gone on a short getaway since the lockdown. The first time that I had been out with the family and not rushing to get home because of the traffic. The first time in ages that we laughed so hard while playing Jenga.

It was just a bonus that the AirBnB accommodation that I chose had a chook, some wood, a scarecrow and some textures.

CFFC – Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Textures in the Farm


  1. Cee Neuner says:

    Teresa, these are fantastic photos for this week textures. Fantastic post 😀

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Cee! Happy you enjoyed them!

  2. lolaWi says:

    so happy for you, T! good times with loved ones are blessings so precious! love to you, amiga 🙂 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Things are slowly coming back to normal for us. Hopefully it does too for everyone. ❤️

  3. Junie-Jesh says:

    Love your take on the rooster – he thinks he’s impressive, lol! Actually came her from Thurs. doors, but can’f find your door post is it the most recent green?) Have are you -haven’t seen you a few weeks… hope all is well and you’re just busy! Have a great weekend, Jesh

    1. Teresa says:

      Oops sorry i have been late. Will have one soon haha Thanks for the wake up call haha

  4. BeckyB says:

    what a fun weekend

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes it was. 😍

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