Seeing the world differently

Photography captures moments, but the choice between colour and black and white changes how we perceive them.

This coloured photo showcase the warmth of a sunset, while a black and white version emphasizes the interplay of light and shadow, making it feel more dramatic or nostalgic.

This photo was taken in my local wetlands some few years ago.

Colour photography reflects reality, evoking emotions through vivid hues and natural tones. In contrast, black and white photography strips away distractions, emphasizing contrast, texture, and form.

This is the Church of Saint Ildefonso in Porto one fine night.

While colour images tell a story through shades and warmth, black and white relies on light and shadow to create depth and emotion.

Taken after the rain.

Both styles have unique strengths, influencing how we connect with an image. While I’ve always been drawn to the vibrancy of colour photography, I must admit that black and white sometimes carries a deeper sense of drama, emotion, and timelessness. I am linking this to Patti’s Lens Artist Photo Challenge with the theme for this week: Exploring Color vs Black & White

28 Comments Add yours

  1. Tina Schell says:

    Wonderful choices for the week Teresa. In all cases I prefer the color image although the B&W’s are also lovely. That center image is amazing – I’d not seen that church before.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for liking my choices. That church in Porto is located further away. It is near Batalha Square, where we booked our airbnb.

  2. restlessjo says:

    I’m a colour girl too, but that zinnia looks stunning in black and white, Teresa. The rain drops sparkle!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Jo. Glad you like the flower. I just put more contrast to make the droplets stand out more

  3. bushboy says:

    I like the church in Porto and the Zinnia is fabulous

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Brian. Glad to know your favourites

  4. Anne Sandler says:

    Great examples for this challenge Teresa. I thought the sunset and church called for color, but the flower was equally great in black and white.

    1. Teresa says:

      It is amazing how different people have different favourites. Appreciate your comment, Anne

  5. nesfelicio says:

    Wonderful examples!
    They do convey different meanings, color and B&W, but I like all your images.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thank you Nes. Glad to hear your thoughts.

  6. margaret21 says:

    This is a great post with well-chosen examples to make your point for you. I like both colour and b/w here.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thank you Margaret, glad you liked my choices.

    2. Leya says:

      Beautiful choices in both colour and B&W! I often prefer colour but indeed that zinnia is glorious in B&W too!

      1. Teresa says:

        Thanks A-C. I was surprised too as to how the flower came out!

  7. Pepper says:

    It is interesting how the water droplets seem to stand out more in the b&w image and the church looks more intimidating in b&w. Great to be able to use both color & b&w, depending on what story you want the image to convey. 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      So true. Thanks Pepper for your exact description.

  8. Toonsarah says:

    I miss the rich colours of your wetlands shot in the B&W edit but I think the other two work very well 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      I agree. Some photos really need colour.

  9. eklastic says:

    Monochrome works with the light – and you show that beatuifully here. The church looks wonderful.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Elke ❤️

  10. JohnRH says:

    Great selections all. I prefer the colors in the first two pairs, water drops seem more emphasized in the flower BnW. Well done.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks John. B&W sometimes does that and it is for the better.

  11. Patti Moed says:

    Wow, Teresa. Great choices. Your flower “portrait” works for me in both color and black & white. The church….I love the mood in b&w. And the color version of the sunset highlights the magnificent sky. I’m happy you joined us!

    1. Teresa says:

      It is always a pleasure to join in. Thanks Patti.

  12. Patti Moed says:

    Ohhh…I don’t see my comment! I’ll check back to see if it was posted.

    1. Teresa says:

      It went to pending. But thanks for checking back Patti.

  13. The B&W image of the flower is beautiful. Although I like the blazing colour of the first version, the clarity of the droplets is lovelier in B&W.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks I. j. It is nice to hear your thoughts.

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