Light fixtures

For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge I am featuring the different styles of lamps in France, Spain, Portugal and the UK.

Old fashioned house lamp in the Cotswolds, UK

Quinta da Regaleira ceiling lamp in Sintra, Portugal

Classic lamp post in Barcelona.

Old style wrought iron lamp post also in Barcelona,Spain

Abney Park in Stoke Newington, one of the garden cemeteries in London.

Parisian Lamp Post At Place De La Concorde

Old style lamppost in Paris, France


  1. Marie says:

    Lovely…Each one nicer than the one before….

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Marie, such a wonderful comment.

  2. Cee Neuner says:

    I really enjoyed viewing your light fixtures for this week. Thanks Teresa 😀

    1. Teresa says:

      Glad you liked them Cee.

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