Post-holiday Blues

It’s common to feel a bit drained after returning from a vacation, experiencing what some describe as post-holiday blues.

“I really need a holiday from my holiday.” That’s what people always say. I and hubby were away for a month and a half so feeling tired and jet-lagged is an understatement.

Anyway…. Back to business.

I’m excited to say that I have incorporated all of my blogs (except for my sketching one) into one place at this new address, courtesy of my son, who took the time to fix and update everything.

I am all set to go, so hopefully, you will continue to follow me here at Wandering Teresa

My first time joining this challenge, linking it to Clare’s Share Your Desktop – November 2023.

This is my desktop taken on the 6th of November, when we visited my cousin in Edinburgh.

Duddingston Loch holds a special place for Connie and her kids, especially when the kids were little. According to Connie, they would often come here.

My previous blog: My Camera & I


  1. ThingsHelenLoves says:

    I lived in Edinburgh for a year and walked often at Duddingston. Edinburgh really is a fabulous place!

    1. Teresa says:

      It was so peaceful there. And the swans were huge!

  2. nesfelicio says:

    Great capture of this swan in the loch.
    Welcome back, and keep wandering!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Nes ❤️ I will, now that I have more space on my blog.

  3. Glad to see your posts again! Love the swan. Maggie

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Maggie, glad you liked the humongous swans.

  4. restlessjo says:

    It’ll take me a while to get used to the new blog name. It’ll come as a nice surprise when I find it’s you, Teresa. Edinburgh is a lovely city, but I don’t know this area.

    1. Teresa says:

      You have to get used to it now, Jo!

      This seems like a quiet area but in reality it is just near the Royal Mile and the Holyrood so basically just in the main city.

      1. restlessjo says:


  5. Clare says:

    Hey Teresa, this would give me the post-holiday blues too, but this is a gorgeous photo of a swan. It must look fabulous on your desktop. Welcome and thank you so much for sharing this with me and joining in on the SYD fun. I hope to see you again next month 🥰 I love the new look btw.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Clare, I will try to join next time as well. Yes, I love it on my desktop and it makes me smile with the fond memories.

      1. Clare says:

        That’s wonderful. I think fond memories are always delightful.

  6. bushboy says:

    A lovely photo Teresa. I wish I had someone to help sort my blog out 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh yes, I am so lucky. He said that my previous blog was alright but a bit messy haha

  7. 2e0mca says:

    There’s a degree of bravery standing that close to a Swan😅 Lovely desktop😎👍

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks. Haha they were really tall so I was very careful that they won’t bite me.

  8. arlene says:

    Wow, a month of travel. You’re lucky🥰

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, very lucky but now am so jetlagged.

  9. Toonsarah says:

    Lovely swan portrait!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Sarah

  10. Alison says:

    I thought you had changed the name, nice title
    Takes a while to get used to being back doesn’t it

    1. Teresa says:

      For sure. It took me about a week to get my sleeping pattern right.

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