Are you OK?

No, I am not ok…

Starting from midnight tonight, Melbourne is going into its fifth lockdown. I am done with feeling angry or going to that path of blaming people. I am just frustrated and so tired of this situation.

But I am sure we will be ok.

Hang in there Melbourne. We got this!


  1. eklastic says:

    Sending (virtual) hugs 🤗

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks 🙏🏻

  2. Irene says:

    So sorry. Hoping it is a short lockdown.

    1. Teresa says:

      Hoping for a short, sharp lockdown like what we had in the past one which was effective. But with the Delta strain…who knows!

  3. Hope you guys are doing ok. The way things are going over here, don’t think we’ll be far behind 😩 Hugz from me & Susan 🤗

    1. Teresa says:

      Don’t say that…hope things will be ok for the both of you too! Stay safe Jez and Susan and family.

  4. Alison says:

    Yes I heard Teresa, my son and his girlfriend were supposed to go skiing and last week to Sydney. It is getting beyond ridiculous these lockdowns. You can only hope it will be the last. Hang in there 😘

    1. Teresa says:

      I sure hope so. We planned on a few days away with family but didn’t push through because of previous lockdown. Now it is starting to be going to that same direction again as we we have rebooked for the end of the month. Hopefully it gets ok by then, fingers crossed!

  5. maristravels says:

    I feel for you (I’m in the UK) but I think your powers-that-be are right. We are about to come out of lockdown next Monday when it looks as though everything is expected to go back to normal. But this is a political decision and most of the scientists are against it, as are schools, local councils, care homes, doctors, hospitals etc. So, we sit back and await an even stronger surge of Covid 19 and further lockdown, more grisly statistics and a horrendous winter to come.

    1. Teresa says:

      The good thing about UK is that most of you are vaccinated. Even my son who is in his 30s is about to have his second jab in a few weeks. We are only less than 10% vaccinated so with every new case comes the fear of another lockdown. And you are right, there’s always a fight between the government and the health ministers.

      Goodluck to your opening up. Hope it goes well…and if it does I will be very jealous.

  6. Horrible as lockdown must be, it at least respects the power of the virus. In the US, lockdowns are less frequent and our numbers show the questionable wisdom of allowing people to proceed as normal. Currently masks in public are optional. That scares me. Delta?

    1. Teresa says:

      I know, it is also up to the people. That is one thing I notice about us, from Melbourne…we always complain but when it comes to following rules, even to the simple wearing of the mask we follow it to the T. Except of course for the few who are just simply idiots. haha
      Yes Delta it is!

      1. Not a ton of rule followers in the US. On the Covid map of Madison I did notice that our neighborhood does have fewer cases, I’d say that’s due to the high number of mask wearers.

        1. Teresa says:

          Yes Rebecca the data shows it all… wearing masks really help in not spreading the virus or any virus for that matter. I noticed that I didn’t experience much colds or hay fever this year because of mask wearing.

          1. Yes, masks and washing hands are the way to go

          2. Teresa says:

            True! 👍🏼

  7. Cee Neuner says:

    Hang in there. We’ve all been through it and still going through it. We can all hang together.

    1. Teresa says:

      Yup, we can never be too complacent. We have had a few good weeks of 0 cases and were going around like normal. And suddenly two people delivered furniture from another State without any masks while having covid…now we are all suffering. Shucks…these people. Oooops Sorry for venting!

      1. Cee Neuner says:

        You are allowed to vent. That’s the only way we get through this. Venting lets the frustration and anger out. It’s not good to keep it inside.

        1. Teresa says:

          Yes I know. Thanks Cee!

  8. picpholio says:

    So sad, people never learn… here th same situation in Western Europe 🙁

    1. Teresa says:

      True…some people are plain inconsiderate! Be safe.

  9. wanderlustig says:

    Really sad! Here in Germany the numbers are rising again while Delta is spreading. We were looking forward to the summer so much. Hopefully we can enjoy it a bit longer before the next lockdown …

    1. Teresa says:

      Hope you will get the best of your summer. We are in winter here so it is a bit alright to stay home. But Delta is moving very rapidly so it is scary. Good luck with our lockdowns and stay safe always.

  10. Dan Antion says:

    I hope this lockdown is short lived.

    1. Teresa says:

      We had our short 7 day lockdown in May and it was effective. They are looking at this lockdown to end on Tuesday so fingers crossed it will really end then. Oh, until another person stuffs it up…
      Thanks Dan

  11. Toonsarah says:

    Sending virtual hugs 🤗 I do hope the vaccination rates can be improved over there so that you don’t have to be quite so strict on locking down every time there are a few cases. This virus is going to be with us for years so we need a different strategy than locking down. Although here in the UK we’re going to the other extreme and dropping most restrictions from Monday. Of course we have high vaccination rates but it still feels like a gamble!

    1. Teresa says:

      Goodluck to you Sarah. Hope it works out well when everything opens up on Monday. Maybe just still be cautious. And yes, we want to have the vaccine roll out faster but the supply is less than the demand.

  12. smkelly8 says:

    It’s tough. I pray people find ways to stay strong given the isolation. Here we’ve had a spike in suicide. Know that we’re praying for you in Australia.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much. That is sad that people are feeling so alone and desperate that they take their own lives. It may be the same situation here but just haven’t been talked about.

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